
Day 12- a Gr8 day!!


Happy Friday & weekend ahead.  This weekend I hope to get out in the yard a little bit to do some last minute/ Winter gardening. {Plant 90 daffodil bulbs} Keeping my fingers crossed for warm weather!

-I really wish I would have had my camera with me to take some pictures to show you with this post,

1-  Discovering NeW things- One trait I admire in Tyler is his love of finding & trying something new.  We drove up to Park City today for some shopping & lunch.  Instead of just picking a place that we were both  familiar with for lunch {which I would totally do}  we found a new place to try, Good Thymes Bistro. I was a little nervous to try it when we were the ONLY ones in the restaurant but it was a great little place.{by the time we left there were alot of people there}  Fun atmosphere, funky hanging chandeliers made out of old silverware & yummy food. 
Ty-  Black Diamond Burger {w/ blue cheese & a terrific toasted bun}
Me- Bingham Canyon Cobb Salad {bacon, blue cheese, tomatoes -delish!}
& SWeeT Potato fries {quickly becoming my new favorite thing to order}

-TQ & I  2010-
2- Blue Cheese- growing up I thought it looked & smelled so yucky & would never try it.  I always felt safe with good old cheddar cheese.  Boy, was I missing out!  I love it now whether it is crumbled up or in a dressing, I really like the taste. 

3- Avacados-  They just make me happy when I see them on the menu & they are healthy for you too. 

I'm grateful for the chance I got to spend with Ty, do some shopping{LOVE the Gap's 30% coupons!} & the drive along the Wasatch Back. It's always so calm, peaceful & pretty- love it!

-Don't be afraid to try something new this weekend, get out of your comfort zone a bit & see what you discover to be grateful for!-
p.s. I'd love to hear if you make any discoveries. Leave me a comment! ;)


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