
Day 13- Sights & delights!

Just a typical Saturday for me {being lazy, watching football, washing sheets & crafting}

1- Christmas Creations-  I'm FiNaLLy feeling in the Christmas mood, which is good since I have a boutique to go to next weekend {in Lewiston next Saturday for all my Cache Valley friends, family & clinets!} & a Holiday show to prepare for.
Today I'm having a blast making up all these delightful little Santa Snowflake medallions!  Hmmm... now what to do exactly with them.  You'll have to come up to Lewiston Arts Show or come to The {Holiday} Hive to find out!!
2- Recipes- I love to bake!  Today I made a Choc. Chip Cookie Pie to take over to a little neighborhood pie party.  I'm not the biggest fruit pie maker, to be quite honest I would much rather make a cake than a pie, but our friends LOVE this recipe & I thought it combined the both of best worlds pie but wtih a cookie. 

3- My hands- I'm grateful to be able to make creations & bake delicious things.  I couldn't do that without them.  I appreciate all they allow me to do each day {typing on the keyboard for one thing} I'm grateful that they hold my wedding ring, college graduation ring & of coarse a blingy ring or 2 too!  Posted by Picasa

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