
Day 11


1- Veterans/Soldiers-  Thanks to all the people who fought to keep our country free.  Also to all the families who support these wonderful men & women. I admire you all so much!  

2- Sisters- I have really enjoyed having my Sister Amanda living with us for the past little bit.  She has been so helpful & my girls have loved having her around.  I've also learned about some of her interests & hobbies that I didn't know before {I'm going to hire here to teach my kids how to snowboard this winter} I'm grateful for my sister Vanessa, who also lives close by & comes over at the drop of a hat to help Macey with her math homework {thank goodness!}  & my sister Becca for always being so thoughtful & for the cute owl earrings she gave me. 

3- Furnaces- BrrRRr!  It has been so chilly here lately, I'm grateful for a furnace that works & a fireplace I can sit by & warm up.

-Short & sweet today-


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