
Love month!


Love is in the air & on the mantel!  Love this month & all the sweetness that comes along with it.  All the kindness, show of affection & loveliness is just so lovely to see. 

When it comes to decorating our mantel upstairs, I think I have seen the light!  I love having something up there that lights up.  It's my favorite thing to turn on in the morning, for just a little glow & the last thing to turn off at night.  

Found this cute little marquee light up heart at Michaels & it was 40% off, hello!  I'll take it & I also took the metal & wood heart that's next to it too.  I just couldn't pass up a great deal & cute new decor!  To add a splash of color behind the metal wood heart, I just cut & taped a piece of pale pink scrapbook paper I had.  Like how it looks.  

Simplicity is always best.  This sweet display took only minutes to put up & will be a pretty thing to look at all month long & remember to Be Kind & say I Love You! 


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