
FREE printable -Snowflakes & Plaids


Created this fun printable to set out on display in an H&H frame during the Snowflakes & Plaid party I threw.  Thought this saying tied in the whole concept I wanted my friends to receive that day.  Celebrating the uniqueness that is in each one of us.  Just like no two snowflakes are unique, either are plaid prints, have you noticed that?  Love all the variety & character that each print & snowflake has.  

You can get the FREE printable HERE


Thanks for stopping by.  All the details from my Snowflakes & Plaid party, like where I got the darling plaid garland from & wooden/plaid snowflake can be found on the post below.  Be sure to check it out.  

Have a wonderful day everyone!  Hope to see you again soon. 


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