
Vintage Inspiration


Ok, friends!  You know I love to share great things that inspire & delight with all of you. Well, get ready because this is my Christmas gift to all of you.  Introducing you to some of my favorite vintage holiday decor EVER!!  I wish I was all of these girls' neighbors so I could just walk over & enjoy the sights all the time.  Really, such pretty & amazing collections on display.   I hope to be like each one of them someday.  

I mean.... well just enjoy the stroll & be sure to check out each of their Instagram feeds for more fabulous inspiration & ideas.  {As a result seeing of their homes I've discovered a few new things I want to start collecting, thanks a lot ladies} 

To start it all of is one of my sweet friends, Jen from @3dotters.  If you're local, make your calendar & plan to attend her fabulous market in January.  Check her feed for all the details.  
-Like I've always said & firmly believe- Everything looks great on a cake stand!  Jen proves that with this simply charming of trees, houses & ornament display.-

Another local favorite friend, Courtney. When she posted this the other day I nearly fell off my seat!  I mean, MY. GOODNESS!!   The more the merrier, right!!  So much happy all stuffed into one place & don't get me started about this industrial bookcase either, just adore it all! You can find more from her @courtneysnowden

-I could just stare at this all day long & still see something new.  Just too gosh darn good!-
 This picture gave from @shesgotmoxie who took a pic & posted it to the hashtag- #newmonthnewmantel  If you need inspiration & ideas head over & check it all out. Just love her display- festive & fun all around!  So glad she shared for us all to enjoy.  I spy so many things I love & want to start collecting. 

 I think I could honestly call @magpieethel the QUEEN of VINTAGE Christmas decor!  I mean this pic is just the tip of the North Pole people & I'm not kidding!  Don't believe head over to her Instagram & see for yourself.  She uses vintage stockings to hang as awnings over her windows, a cupboard full of Santa mugs to serve hot cocoa to an army, Santa heads galore {oh, there's more than this}  Just so much eye candy!  I can drool & dream over her feed for hours. 

-Just so happy!  I need to find me a good man to have around the Holidays, a St. Nick head that is! - 

 And thanks to Ethel & Erica @vintagesister76 I know have a need {obsession} to get some Santa head mugs & these adorable Christmas list card tins.  Seriously!?!  I can't stop thinking about them since I saw them on each of their feeds.  I've been collecting old tin & wood boxes since this summer, for some reason I've become smitten with them, not quite sure why I love them so & then I see these!  I've never seen anything like them before, darling! 

Happy to report that thanks to some searching & shopping several are headed my way just in time for holiday decorating.  So excited!! 

What is it about vintage holiday decor that just makes me giddy?  I think it reminds me of my childhood & walking into department stores, school & my grandma's house & seeing all these things. Makes me feel like a kid again.  Hope this stroll down some pretty vintage lanes made you happy & reminded you of something you loved or used to see all the time.  Thanks to all these fabulous ladies for having a passion & putting it all together in such a pretty way to inspire & delight, I for one am grateful. 

Have a wonderful day. 

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