
A sweet follow-up


Hello.  Sorry, I haven't posted for so long.  So much has been going on around here, all good, but very busy.  I thought when your kids got older things got easier, I guess not.  More places to go & things to do.  Grateful to have 3 girls who are active & involved in many great things, keeps us on our toes.  

I wanted to say THaNK YoU to those who attended the 1st Early Bee Event at The Holiday Hive in November. 

 I'm happy to announce that a donation was made to the Heifer International to purchase 4 colonies of honeybee's to be given to women & families around the world.  Such a sweet gift to give that will hopefully continue to grow for years to come!  I was so grateful for those who came & participated in that so that we could spread a little bit of joy around the world this holiday season.  

Hope you all are enjoying the holidays.  Such a wonderful time of year.  I wish you all the best! 


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