
New Month New Mantel


Oh, I adore a new month & changing up the decor in my house to match the month that has arrived.  I started a fun new hashtag on Instagram called, #newmonthnewmantel where everyone can share pics of their space that they've changed up for the brand new month ahead.  It's been fabulous!  I've loved seeing all the different styles of decor that have been shared.  If you're in a rut & need some inspiration- head there! 

This is our downstairs mantel this month.  I wanted something bright, pastely {so spring right now} & cheerful. I don't usually have a lot of purple around but it's so nice to see pops of it on the mantel. There is just something about changing up your space often.  I hope you do it!  I know I've mentioned it on here more than once but to keep things fresh, on trend & new really has an affect on us, our families & our homes.    
 This collaboration was literally thrown together in a few minutes.  I wanted to tell you how I did it.  The best place to always start is to have a theme.  I was going for, Spring here so I just looked around, pulled items together that I had, that was either the perfect colors or reminded me of Spring as well as items I've made & bought. 
-An adorable Aimee Ferre flag, Popcorn Popping tied in beautifully with the flower I painted & assembled from years ago as well as a paper tree art piece I did.  Liked all the colors in the back ground & thought they just seemed Springy-
This amazing painted lilac picture I got at a thrift store.  Didn't really like the frame so I just popped it out, used the frame for something else & stuck it up on the mantel. Love the color & loved these flowers.  Our bushes in the yard are just about to bloom & I can't wait.  One of my favorite flowers!  Paired it with a few birdies I found around.  The one on the pedestal I made a few years ago, like his button eye & happy print papers & the little green one I had gotten just because I thought he was cute.  Don't forget to add levels to your display, it really does make a difference.  That a great thing to invest in is little chairs {like below} books, benches, candlesticks & boxes.  They are great & handy to have around. 

Now that I've shown you one of my spaces in our home...........

Take a pic of any space in your home {doesn't have to necessarily be a mantel} that you have changed up to welcome in the month of May, post it & share it to the hashtag #newmonthnewmantel.  I'd love to take a peek & be inspired by YOU! 

Need help pulling something together?  No, problem.  Have you checked out TaDa Home Decor yet?  If not you should.  Charming collections put together for you & shipped right to your door for instant decor.  Not to early to start thinking ahead to what to put on the mantel for June.  Take a look, it's darling.  To order visit their website 
-Could be left up all summertime long if you want.  Adorable!-
Happy Monday! 

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