
The home stretch......


What's the saying?  So close but yet so...... far.  That's how I feel about Summer approaching.  Only 30 more days but 30 MORE days!! My girls are so ready to be done with school & already dreaming up ways to spend their Summer days & nights.  So that's lead to a little bit of slacking on school & homework around here. For the past few days I've been trying to come up with a way to encourage them to do their best, focus on what they need to do & finish before they start daydreaming of care free days. I wanted to introduce a concept that will hopefully inspire them & help them finish the school year out STRONG.  

 At breakfast this morning they were greeted by 4 letters T.T.F.T. They have heard me talk about them before but this was their first time actually seeing the letters right in front of them.  Made the whole idea more meaningful I think.

 I heard about these 4 letters growing up, my Mom would always tell me & it's something she learned from her Dad.  I used it so much in school that I had the letters engraved in my college class ring, that I still wear everyday.  The letters stand for Think Through Follow Through.  Such an easy concept but sometimes a hard thing to actually do.  That's where my girls are right now.  They think about what they need to do but sometimes following all the way through on assignments, projects or papers doesn't happen.  It's tough, I remember & kids now a days {oh, boy that made me sound old!}  have so much more on their plate everyday than I ever did anyway as a 7th or 11th grader.  I told my girls that for the next 30 days I was going to put, hide, & display TTFT in lots of different ways around the house & into their lives during the day. I encouraged them to be on the look out to find them & when they do remember what the letters stand for. Oh, this is going to be fun!
-A few magnets on the back door an easy way to start!  Bonus, it's the last place they see as they walk out the door for school each morning- 

 After the girls left for school & I cleaned up breakfast this morning, I wanted to find a spot to display the big letters until school got out for Summer.  I found the perfect spot up above their pictures in the study nook right off the kitchen.  Hopefully it will be a cute reminder when they get home from school & unload their backpacks to Think Through Follow Through on what they need to start, work on, or complete before they head back to school the next day.  Love good visual reminders, sometimes that's all you need to jump start, focus & finish. It's a good reminder for this Momma too. 

Do you have favorite quotes, sayings or things you use in your home to motivate your family or yourself? If so I'd love to hear.  It might even inspire me too.

Happy Wednesday! 


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