
Top 4 posts from 2014


As the year is winding down I thought it might be nice to re cap the  four top posts of 201FOUR from the blog.  Lots of great, fun &  yummy ideas that you obviously loved me sharing with all of you.  Enjoy the look back!  Just click on the link below each picture to read the post & get the info & recipes.  Already excited thinking about 2015 & all I want to share with you.  
{Feel free to Pin away!}

Such a awesome, rad party for my girls back in June.  This idea has been pinned over 8,000+ times.   I give you all the details, a few pointers & info on how to plan this colorful bash for your upcoming parties & events.  

Ok, a gluten free cookie that just needs to be shared.  So good!  I love these cookies so much. The recipe makes up a big, big batch so they can be enjoyed & shared for a good long time. 

I grew up on these cookies, earned a Blue Ribbon with them at the County Fair & have been making them ever since.  They are so yummy & it's true what I say. The best cookie dough ever!

I told you about turning your Instagram pics & pics on your phone into books back in June.  I'm still in love with Chatbooks even at the end of December. Makes me feel good getting pictures of my phone & into my hands.  They make great scrapbook, journals & gifts. "Bee" sure to use the code to get your 1st one FREE.

201FOUR was a great year! Have a fabulous day.


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