
My favorite things- Music

Day 8- Christmas Music
One of the best things to fill your home with around the Holidays is music.  Oh, I love all the music, carols & singing that is going on around this time of year.  Wanted to share a few of our favorite CD's with you today to have in your stash of Holiday tunes.  

I like a good mix of music to listen to. The good old timeless classics, the fun songs that we used to remember singing in Elementary School, reverent hymns, songs of praise as well as some twists to the standards we are so used to hearing.  

This is our music station in the house.  I clean out the tray  weekend after Thanksgiving, put everything away that doesn't have Christmas in the title & fill it up with everything Holiday related for the next month. I'm not a listener of holiday music before Thanksgiving, I just can't. It's always such a treat to get them all out & start listening to Holiday tunes the whole month long.   

I try to get at least one new CD each year.  This year it was Idina Menzel {Elsa} Christmas CD. It is great!  I would recommend it if you're looking for a new CD to add to your Christmas music collection. Some of our other favorites Micheal Buble {Of coarse, no one better!}  if you love the timeless classics with a big band feel GET THIS!  One of my absolute favorites.  Found this link to a mix up of his CD, just a sampling.  Love it! {He's also featured on Idina & BNL's CD} 
Of coarse the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, always beautiful.  Just something about listening to the Nutcracker, so Christmasy.  We also have a few "little kids" CD's that we bought years ago when my kids were still little.  They are packed full of the fun songs that kids love to sing, I still like to listen to them too. {I want a hippopotamus for Christmas, I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus, Rudolph, Frosty, All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth.}  The BeST!! 

Ok, this next CD just might be my all time favorite.  Don't be thrown off by the artist or the title, the CD is so FuN to listen too.  The perfect music to play for a festive party you're throwing or a casual get together.  I found this CD when I heard my FAVORITE version, EVER of God, Rest ye Merry Gentlemen playing on the radio station a few years ago.  It has We Three Kings thrown into the mix too, such a great song.  I just HAD to track it down.  So different & unique.  It is a collaboration of Barenaked Ladies & Sara McLaclan & it is A.Mazing!  I just love it so.  Here's a link to take a listen.  

This CD is just a upbeat, quirky, silly at times, get your dancing shoes on party CD.  Our family just loves it.  

Question of the day:  What's your favorite CD to listen to during the holidays? 
I'd love to know what to add to our Christmas music.  


p.s.  Thanks for sticking with me through my blog series, 12 Days of Favorite Things.  This has been such a fun project for me {& a bit hard at times}not for the lack of finding favorite things to share but simply finding the time & making a blog post.  
{I apologize for the pics. I know they are not the best but just grabbing my phone & using that instead of the Nikon just makes things a bit easier.}  


  1. Favorite Holiday music to listen to? Mannheim Steamroller hands down! Love them!

  2. Oh, I love that version! It's so fun! I have a really old CD from Old Navy that I think they did free with purchase years ago that we all still really like. It's a little funky, fun Christmas time! I didn't see that you were doing this 12 days of Christmas. I'm happy to go read the rest!


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