
Favorite things- It takes a {glittered} village


Every year when I get these out I imagine what little house I would love to live in.  Each is so charming & sweet.  Feel like I'm playing house a bit as I set them all up.  Have to accent them with just the right bottle brush trees & next door neighbors house.  
{Have to be in a good neighborhood, right? } 

I fell in love with these little houses years ago. I started collecting them & receiving them as gifts from family & friends.  I have quite the collection now.  I even took a class at a local scrapbook shop to learn how to make them myself.  Some of the collection are ones I've made, which is a nice part to the collection. I like that each one is different.  So easy to add to collection that is mis matched right from the start.  Don't try & stick to a color, theme or size when starting a collection, it might not go anywhere.  Be open for lots of options. They will always look great together if you do. 

I used to put them up in the top windows of our home, which was very time consuming, so the wire rack is now the home for many of the little vignettes.  The cubbies are the perfect size to fit any kind of house, big or small.  Glad I  have a wide variety of houses & trees to choose from. Love the way this looks in our kitchen nook. 

-I'm quite obsessed with bottle brush trees too.  Just can't seem to get enough of them.- 
The wire rack paired with the table top centerpiece looks so charming together.  A mini winter wonderland in doors.  

-So fun to create a winter, snowy table top scene on one of my old creepers by just sprinkling some fake snow here & there.- 
I decorate high & low in our house.  Finding little unexpected nooks & crannies where I can stash a house or two.  The children's chairs up above our study nook is the perfect place to show some off.  They are sure sitting pretty & on display up there.  Look for those unexpected spaces to decorate in your home.  Creates such visual interest.  

-Notice the music station that I talked about yesterday? - 
Here's another example of decorating high & low.  A lone red chair up above the china hutch got some holiday cheer with this colorful glittered house.  Love how it all looks.  A little unexpected touch!  I also like to stick a house or two on the cake stands inside the hutch.  

When I opened up the mailbox last month & saw this cover staring back at me, I think I gasped.  Oh, that Martha!  {or all the people who work for her ;)} Is this not the cutest stinkin' thing you have ever seen!  I will now be on the hunt for more teeny tiny houses to create something like this next year.  The most adorable thing ever! 

Question of the day?-  Do you have a Christmas Village in your home now or did you grow up with one in your home?  

I didn't grow up with one, not quite sure where my love of glittered houses came from but I'm sure happy that I've enjoyed them for so many years.  Love that it keeps growing every year.  Simply a delightful collection to have. 
*Don't forget about answering the questions on any of the favorite things posts to be entered to WiN an H&H Holiday Frame.  You have until Friday to enter.  Winner announced Saturday. 



  1. Oh my word- Melissa you are so talented!!! I do not have a Christmas village, but I really want one. LOVE!

  2. Oh, Candice- Thanks friend! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, thanks for saying hi.

  3. I love all of your pics. I made little houses years ago from a Martha Stewart template and I put those little houses in my Christmas tree each year.
    Angela L

  4. I have a collection of Coca Cola Town Square. I love putting it up because it is a very nostalgic look back in time of Christmas long ago. They all light up and I too have a lot of little accessories to place throughout the town including bottle brush trees. Then I cover everything with a blanket of "snow" to give it that wonderful white Christmas feel! After seeing your collection of houses, I may have to start collecting those as well.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}