
Made my heart sing


  I received lots of sweet messages, emails & texts about my segment on Studio 5 last week. Thanks so much!  Glad you enjoyed it as much as I loved presenting it.  I appreciate all your kind words.  

I received these next 2 pictures in texts this weekend & it made my day!  A total fill up my bucket for the day kind of a thing.   The first pic came from my sister, Vanessa, who wrote that my segment inspired her & my other sister, Becca, that they decided to go antiquing.  Look at that stash!  They did good1  A scale, bread pan, thermos, grater & even some letters. Score!  Many of the things I talked about on the show.  Good job, girls.  Can't wait to see what you do with it. 

The next pic came from the Northeastern part of Idaho from my sweet friend, Nicolle.  {I may have teared up a bit when I opened the text}  Here she is with her 4 cute girls all huddled around the computer watching my segment. {Ahhhhh.....} 

Both of these pics just warmed my heart & made me so grateful for so many wonderful people in my life.  It also made me happy to know that my passions, what I like to do & this blog has brought so many wonderful opportunities into my life & given me the chance to inspire others & to connect with so many.  I'm extremely grateful that I can do that.  I love hearing from those of you who take the time to tell me so. It really is what keeps me going & doing what I love to do & continue to share things with you that I hope teach, inspire & help you discover new things in your own lives.  

Thanks again for letting me & my blog into your home & your lives.  Have a wonderful day.  Hope you come back tomorrow, I have something really fun to share. 


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Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}