
Ice cream sundae bar & chocolate sauce recipe


Oh, friends have I got something really sweet to share with you.  You might have seen me talking about this on Studio 5 last week but I wanted to give a little more detail &pictures about the fantastic Ice Cream Sundae Bar party I planned using my gigantic industrial sized muffin pan. I love giving new life to vintage finds.  Fills me with such JoY! 
Have you ever seen such a thing before?
{If you ever come across a giant muffin pan, grab it!  Fun times & great uses ahead I'm sure}   
-Got these adorable ice cream cups & spoons at Orson Gygi's in SLC.  The perfect touch to the Ice Cream party- 
When I bought this pan a few months ago I wasn't quite sure what to use it for but came up with this yummy idea one afternoon. I started brain storming of all the treats, toppings & sweets to fill up each compartment of the pan with.  The perfect things to send any bowl of ice cream over the top 
{sprinkles- of coarse, crushed oreos, butterfingers, M&M's, toasted coconut, gummy bears, cashews & the quintessential sundae topper a cherry for on top.. just to name a few}
-Photo credit, Mountain Light Photography, Courtney Wallin-

Once every compartment was full all I needed to add was a gallon of Ice Cream & some cute kiddos willing to come over & start creating yummy masterpieces. 
-Photo credit, Mountain Light Photography, Courtney Wallin-
Just look at those cute faces! I think somebody was really excited to start digging into all that sweet stuff! 
 {It must have been the gummy bears..or just the sight of SUGAR!} 
A shout-out to these girls awesome Mom for taking such great pictures of our fun night in the backyard. 
 Thanks, Courtney! 
{see more of her amazing food pics on the Delish my Dish blog
-Photo credit, Mountain Light Photography, Courtney Wallin- 
The colorful, filled to the brim, organized tin in the center of the table ready for the party to start.  Trust me, it didn't stay looking this neat very long. 

Fun sitting back & watching what each kid went for. Lots of expected combinations & some pretty unique ones too.  But every last drop of ice cream was gone in their cups, you can bet on that! 
-Photo credit, Mountain Light Photography, Courtney Wallin- 
-Photo credit, Mountain Light Photography, Courtney Wallin- 
Can't get enough of the darling pics of the tray holding all the ingredients for the ice cream sundaes.  Salty, sweet, gooey, crunchy & of coarse all yummy! 

                                                                                         These 2 girls held still long enough for me to get a picture of their sundaes before they started chopping down. What patience!  
{Thanks A & M} 

Of coarse no Ice Cream Sundae is complete without smothering the top with a delicious, hot, gooey sauce so I'm sharing a fabulous recipe for Chocolate Sauce with a SPiCY kick.  This stuff is so good & goes perfectly with chopped up almonds & lots of toasted coconut 
{Can you guess what kind of sundae I made?} 


Spicy Chocolate Sauce 

Combine: 3/4 C. Semi-Sweet chocolate chips
1/4 C. butter
1/2 tsp. ground chili pepper 
1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon in a sauce pan & warm up.  

Cook until butter is melted & chocolate is smooth. Gradually add 1-5ounce can of evaporated milk {2/3 C.} Stir frequently & bring to a boil.  Reduce heat, boil gently over low heat for 6 minutes.  Remove from heat, cool slightly & serve immediately so it's quite warm. Drizzle over vanilla ice cream & ENjoY! 

Oh, my goodness that sauce is amazing.  yuM! So simple to make & so glorious. Give it a try, I'm sure it will be a staple for all your ice cream sundae's from now on. 

Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. The photo of the cute little girlie in the stripey shirt just kills me! The look in her eyes when she sees all that gorgeous yumminess is just priceless! Your display is beautiful.

  2. A priceless picture for sure! Thanks for the comment Heidi.

  3. So cute! Loved your segment. Where did you get those super cute napkins? They just scream summer fun ;)

  4. Tonya, thanks. I bought them at Orson Gygi's in SLC. Sorry, I can't remember the brand name.


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