
Decoration inspiration


  Busy setting up for The {Holiday} Hive but I wanted to take a minute & share something. I talked about this in my decorating class a few weeks ago & it's a good rule of thumb to follow.  When planning or setting up any kind of party, celebration or event you need to have a theme in mind.  
{First & foremost- it's a great way to start!} 

I've chosen the theme of Pumpkins & Pine for my decor at The Hive this time around. Since we're in between seasons I thought this would tie everything together nicely.  

Don't you love it when something unexpected inspires you?  It might be something you use right away or you might store it in your head to pull out & use for a later time.  Well.... that time for me is now!  

If you're a follower, reader or stalker {I know there are some of you out there!}  of my blog you might remember me telling you about a trip to No. Carolina last year & being inspired by what I saw on the steps of an antique store in Aberdeen.  

-If you want to read more of my blog post about this trip go {HERE}- 

As I was planning for The {Holiday} Hive I thought back to this picture.  I'm so not ready to toss away the pumpkins still on our porch. This is a way I can give them some new life & still embrace the wee little bit of Fall that's left while looking forward to The {Holiday} Hive & Christmas in the air.   

Ok, back to setting up, {It really is my favorite part!} cleaning the house & tying up any last minute details that need to be done &there always is. Can't wait to show you all the finished pics of everything! 

Hope to see you at The {Holiday} Hive. 
Tomorrow night 6-8 p.m. 
Friday 10-3
Saturday 10-2 
-4011 Lilac Lane in Mt. Green- 



  1. Love the theme!! Best wishes for a very successful HIVE!!!!

  2. Thanks friend, I need to travel to Tennessee to see what inspires me there. ;)

  3. I so wish I lived closer! It looks awesome!


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