
Smile.... it's that time of year.


We haven't seen this guy in a while... he can only mean one thing- time for a GiVEAWAY!! 
-WhOo- WHoO's going to win a fabulous mini-photo shoot?- 
  One thing I know about Fall is it is the time of year we all start thinking about family pictures {Because it's so beautiful outside } & for upcoming Christmas Cards.  Am I right?  

Well don't fret my friend & I are here to help you with that.  My super talented & amazing friend {Natalie}from Best  Impressions Photography is giving away one mini- shoot for FREE! 
{How awesome is that?} 

The Mini Shoot includes:  
-30 minute photo session-at an outdoor location with all the Fall Colors 
{time & place to be determined by you & Natalie}
-Up to 8 people {should include almost everyone in the family} 
-10 images on a CD 
{Normally $99 but one lucky person will get it FREE!} 
-She is great!  Here she is working with me at a photo shoot earlier this summer- 
Here is how you can enter.  
H&H on FaceBook.
* Share on your FB page from Best Impressions Photography. 
* Leave a comment on Best Impressions Photography

Ok... 1,2,3- Say CHeeSE!   
{Good Luck everyone.  You have until Monday night at Midnight to enter. I'll announce the Winner on my blog on Tuesday the 8th} 
*Thanks so much Natalie.  You're going to make one H&H blog reader very happy! 



  1. YEAH - So excited to be able to offer this fun Giveaway. I love Fall and I love Photography - so let's put these favorites together for a fun Mini Shoot :)

  2. Darn, I don't have a Facebook account! Maybe this will count ;)


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}