
Put on your apron & preheat the oven

  Hello... everyone!  
I love getting opportunities to share something new with you & getting to learn a thing or two {Wow, that rhymed.} myself.

I had the privilege to be on Studio 5  with Brooke Walker {Who is just as sweet in person as she seems on TV}  glad to count her as a friend.  Sharing one of my favorite recipes: 
Sweet Petal Cinnamon Roll 
It's always fun to go & be around everyone that works on the set.  This was my first time doing a cooking segment.  When I was asked by Mindy {one of the producers} to come on & cook I was elated!  I love a reason to put on an apron {& a cute one at that! Was given this as a birthday gift from my friend last year} 
I love to bake, it's one of my favorite things to do.  
But as with all things there are a few bumps or sticky situations you don't expect & that you learn & grow from. 
{Thank goodness! Realizing ways to do it better next time} 

So here are a few lessons I learned this time around. 

#1-  Have an assistant there to help. 

-blurry pic but had to get Mace's cute outfit. Everyone on set was commenting on it.- 
The night before I thought to myself, I can do this I don't need anyone to help. It's only a cooking segment it's not that much to bring.  AH, WRoNG!  I think I brought everything but the kitchen sink. We hauled in & packed more stuff than I ever have for a segment before. So glad I had this one to come along with me.  THaNK You, Mace! I figured it's a good reason to miss school, an educational experience for this little chef in training.  
-Took her to Blue Lemon for an after the show Thank You!

#2- Life happens! Some of you may have saw this on Instagram.  After spending all day on Monday baking & prepping for the show I came into the kitchen to see this on the counter. AUGH!!  Just when I cleaned up, put everything away & was thinking I was good to go. I guess it was just too good & tempting that someone couldn't keep their hands off it. SO instead of getting mad I just got everything back out & made another batch of dough & a whole new Sweet Petal Roll for the show.  
{I think the neighbor kids were happy they were outside playing & got to enjoy the rest of it} 

#3- Expect the unexpected.  Doing a cooking segment is much different than a crafting segment.  Because with a crating/entertaining segment everything is there, set up & good to go. No surprises there {except maybe making sure you remember what to say}  With a cooking segment it's remembering what to say, making everything while you're speaking & hoping that it turns out just the way it always does at home.  

Oh, brother!  
I have made this recipe I don't know how many times & has the dough ever been that sticky before- NO!!  That's another thing about cooking on TV, it's not your stove, your utensils, dishes etc.  It kind of throws you off your game a bit.  
Usually if the dough is a bit sticky I would just reach down, open the flour drawer in my island & get some out to put on my hands. A bit different in not a "real" kitchen. 

#4- Ah-Ha moment.  When I thought{afterwards of coarse!}why didn't I just go ahead & roll out some dough before the segment began. DaH!  Then if I realized it was so sticky I could have coated my hands with flour & had some pre-rolled out. I guess I wanted everyone to see the whole experience start to finish.  

#5- Share the LoVE.  The reason I enjoy baking is because I love to share.  That's what brings me joy!  So all those cinnamon rolls you saw on set were shared. Not one came home with me. The giant petal roll stayed with all the camera guys, stage managers, other guests & producers to enjoy.  The smaller ones {that I made using 2- 9 inch cake rounds} went home with the producer who asked me to come on so she could enjoy it with her family & I took the other one to our friends in Layton because I know they love it! 

{*making the giant roll is FuN but I love making it with the 2 cake pans because that way you can keep one for your family to enjoy & give the other one away} 

#6- Have cute accessories to go along with whatever you are making.  These pot holders are from Vintage Fern. I adore them!  They are the cutest & most useful things ever. I love having pretty things in the kitchen. Thanks, Amy! 

I hope you try this in your own kitchen. 
-You can get the recipe HERE-   
It truly is one of our families favorites!  I'm so glad my Aunt Karalee introduced it to our family years ago & that I make it all the time now & that I know my girls will make it for their families years from now.  It really is a classic!  
-Give it a try this weekend & let me know what you think- 


*Don't forget to enter the GiVEAWAY below.  You have until Sunday night to enter! 


  1. Saw the show today - you did a grand job! No big deal about the flour, I bet the hot TV lights had an effect on your dough too. It all made sense! Thanks for sharing your fun recipe.

    Hey one question - it looks like the large roll was in a deeper dish. Is that really just a 9" pie dish or Is it a deep pizza pan?


  2. We made one yesterday - Wow - so delish!!! Thanks for sharing your awesome and fun recipes :)


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