
The {Fall} Hive was "BuZZ-ing"


  Was cleaning out photos on my iphone today & came across these & wanted to share them.  They made me smile when I remember a fantastic Hive, happy customers & friends. 

I had Miss Mace sneak outside before the doors opened to get this shot.  This is the moment that my heart starts pounding & all the hard work & prep pays off.  Thanks for everyone who loves coming up so much that they arrive 30 minutes early to stand in line.  
I really appreciate it! 

All that line up makes for a busy, bustling Hive once I open the doors.  Love feeling the energy & excitement that fills my home when everyone comes in.  
-Love that in this pic you can see the clock above the fireplace- 6:02 & everyone is excited to be in The Hive- 

I spy.... some of my favorite friends & clients in these pictures.  Thank you all for coming! 

I always wish I had more pictures but at least I get a few shots in before the chaos begins.  
{Don't worry.... we have a few ideas up our sleeves to make The {Holiday} Hive checkout move more quickly & smoothly} 
There is always a little traffic jam all at once when all these happy customers are ready to check out with their armfuls of goods. 

I need to remember to take pictures on Friday & Saturday too when it is less crowded & crazy.  Please don't worry that if you don't get here on Opening Night that nothing is left.  There is always LoTS of things that get overlooked the first night & the vendors bring in new goods each day.  Friday was actually the busiest day it's ever been- so a BiG thank you!  That was so exciting to see.  The word is getting out about The Hive I think.  A truly one of a kind, unique charming boutique.  Fun seeing so many new faces this time around & meeting you all. 

-Grateful to have this friend {& fabulous vendor, Leila Bird}  at The Hive this time around.  Well.... she always comes & supports The Hive weather she's a vendor or not.  Glad we got a pic taken before the doors opened- 

Already starting to think about the upcoming {Holiday} Hive & I'm asking a question over on the H&H FaceBook page that I need your help with. 
Calling all SWeeT TooTHS!!
Hop over to the FB page & help me out, please.  
I need your input- thanks! 

- Can't believe 30 lbs. of this stuff was gone by the middle of the 2nd day.  I think there are alot of people out there who LoVE chocolate & carmel.  Great combo!- 

Have a fabulous day. 


  1. hey Melissa,
    The Hive is always great fun. It's a great place to get gifts for yourself and others. Love it!
    ANgela L

  2. It was super fun and full of adorable things! Looking forward to the next one. Mimi

  3. It was super fun and full of adorable things! Looking forward to the next one. Mimi


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