
What's for dinner?

Got the chance to enjoy a great Summer Evening earlier this week. 
{just in the nick of time too because I think Fall has officially hit- it's a bit chilly outside this morning} 
A night filled with good friends, yummy fresh food & a   charming atmosphere.  

-The theme for this dinner was Farmers Market so everything was veggies & FReSH!  So tasty!- 
 I snapped this picture before our dinner. I was in love with how we all were seated.  The cute table 
{made out of palletes, how clever is that?}  
& the bales of hay with the feed sacks tied across them- so delightful!  Makes me happy to walk into a space that totally inspires & delights me.  
{Thanks  S & B for the fabulous night start to finish!} 

More pictures will be coming soon about this fun night along with the recipes soon, you'll want them- so yummy! But while you are waiting to see those you can now see all the pictures & get the recipes for yourself from the Gourmet Dinner I hosted with my friend Nicole this summer. 

I gave away some extra copies of these on Instagram but no everyone can get the recipes for themselves.  Head over to the Delish my Dish blog for lots of amazing recipes & pictures of each Gourmet Club Dinner night.  

May I recommend the: 
Leek & Bacon Pizza {unique & super easy to make} 
Grilled Corn & Chipotle Pesto Pizza {spicy & good} 
Basil Pesto Chicken Pizza {fresh from the garden- yum!} 
Spinach Crust Pizza {something different} 

Any of these would be great for dinner tonight or this weekend as maybe sit around & watch a football game or two. 
{Go Cougs!} 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. These dinner clubs are so charming :) Great creative energy at work. Glad you got to sit and enjoy after your busy weekend!!!


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