
Back 2 School Fashion Show

It is Back 2 School time around here.  My girls started yesterday, are you kids in school yet?  
I wanted to share something that has turned into quite a fun tradition in our family.  Last night we hosted the 3rd annual Back 2 School dinner & family fashion show.  It has turned into an anticipated night for everyone involved. Clothes are paired together into outfits, props are brought & music selected {& in some cases choreographed} to walk down the runway to. 
But before the dinner & fashion show begin the decor has to go up to set the stage.  I enjoy decorating for just about anything that goes on in our home & a dinner & fashion show are no exception. I used a bunch of my vintage school supplies {that I collect}  to decorate the island & table for dinner.  
{I have a bit of an obsession, must be the secondary ed. teacher in me} 
-2 of my favorite H&H things I've ever made.  Frame Marquees & this charming good luck frame.  I use them for so many occasions-

Who says flower frogs are only for holding flowers upright in a vase, I say use them as a pencil holder too.  I grabbed all sorts of crayons, colored pencils, alphabet shapes & puzzle pieces to use for the decor.
I spy.... my home state do you see yours?  

-Love this vintage school book- Looking Ahead to another great school year for my girls! Can't wait to see what they learn & discover. - 
-The table top, all bright & cheerful- 
 Got these fun napkins at Target in the dollar spot earlier this year & just held onto them for our B2S dinner.  They looked perfect on the plastic school lunch trays I have.  I got the trays from Pottery Barn Kids years ago & they have been a good investment. 

 The night included poetry, read by the girls from this adorable book. Funny, funny poems about going to school. 
 Happy kiddos ready to chow down their school lunch themed meal:  Pasta, garlic french bread, orange jello & green salad.  YuM! 

 Let the Fashion Show 2013 begin: 
Each participate brought 3 outfits to wear & walked the runway to music they selected & strutted their stuff!  Believe me, these kids know how to work a runway.  There was a cartwheel, back handspring, dribbling a soccer ball & dance moves like you've never seen. So much FuN to watch! 
{Some white christmas lights strung along the floor makes a quick & easy runway} 
-Audrey 6th Grade- 
-Macey 10th Grade- 

-Bella Kindergarten- 
-Davis 4th Grade- 

-Layla, pre, pre-pre school & Miss Hall 9th Grade Math & 12th Grade Government- 

-Emily 6th Grade- 
Everyone watching Audrey, from back stage,  walk down the runway & waiting their turn to go out. 

The end of another great the Fashion Show.  At the end it always turns into a dance party!  The kids are really worn out at the end of the night.  
{Oh, the videos I have of them all lip syncing & dancing, so fun! One little girl even got a side ache from so much dancing} 
-All the Hall & Quigley cousins- 
 Had to get my picture with this cutie since we were twinners for the night.  Gotta love polka dots! 

Love traditions & memories being made.  Such a blast getting to see every one's new Back 2 School clothes & seeing how  excited they all are to start a new school year.  


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Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}