
A summer evening dinner party


  If there's one thing I love it's planning, preparing & throwing a party & when there is good food & fabulous friends involved, forget about it!  I had the pleasure of hosting a Dinner party for Gourmet Club with my friend, Nicole last week. It was a delightful evening to say the least.  Our theme for the night was Dinner & a Movie. 
{Who doesn't love an outdoor movie under the stars?} 

Our guests were greeted with this frame marquee 
{It really is one of my favorite decorating pieces I own!}  
I use this for so many things, too many to count! Guess what I even made it myself & you can too.  What to learn how?  If so watch HERE for all the details. 

The dinner was held in Nicole's beautiful yard.  I mean just look at that!  The stone floor, arbor & cafe lights just set the tone for the evening.  

Loved all the color combos we used.  Everything was bright, vibrant & screamed Summer.  Glad that my vintage pop bottle collection came in handy once again.  Not to mention vintage tin spice boxes & Nicole's cute collection of old cameras.  Quite the mis match collections of goods but it all went perfectly together to go along with Dinner & a Movie. 

This little set up might just have been my favorite thing of the whole night.  Just look at that cheerful charming spot?  We used the table to serve the appetizers & drink from.  LoVED it!  The colors just oozed Summertime & was simply delightful to look at.  

Here we are standing by the candy station for the outdoor movie & ready for our guests to arrive.  
I always have a good time spending time with this sweet friend.  She is so fun to spend time with & we have the best time decorating & setting everything up.  Love having a friend who likes pretty much the same things I do. We just kept going into our houses & pulling from our collections for the decor outside.  Worked perfectly! 
-Great minds think alike.  We didn't ever plan to wear the same color combination!- 
Always have a good time with these ladies.  Eating yummy food, talking, tasting, laughing & EATiNG!  The menu for the night was just easy & carefree & lots of pizzas, Pizzas & PiZZAS.  Oh, they were soooo good! 

I wish I would have taken a picture as everyone settled in on chairs on the lawn for the movie to start.  Everyone was wrapped up in blankets & munching on Marshmallow Popcorn & other sweets.  Such a fun night watching a foodie film, Julie & Julia- the perfect show to end a fun night. 

Everyone receives a packet with all the recipes we used for the dinner to take home with them.  Thought they all looked cute tucked into an old wooden crate waiting for everyone to grab as they left for the night. I even gave a few extras away on Instagram. 
{So Fun!} 

Can't wait to see all the pictures that were taken that night & of all the yummy food.
 {I didn't take any pics of that because I was too busy eating!} 
 I'll be sure to tell you when they all go up on our Gourmet Club Blog, Delish My Dish.  Go there to see pics of past dinners & to get lots of great recipes. 

As Julia would say, Bon Appetite!



  1. it all looks so great! You guys always do such a fabulous job! super fun!!!

  2. This looks like so much fun! I'm going to have to figure out how I can do a dinner and a movie evening in my garden!

    p.s. have you ever considered taking the verification off your comments? It can be hard for middle aged eyes to see. ;D


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