
A few of our favorite reads


  While setting up all the decor for the 4th, I unpacked some of our favorite picture books that we read this time of year.  I thought it would be fun to share them with you.  Maybe you already have them in your bookshelves if not & they peek your interest you should go out & buy them for your own home library. My girls love to read them every year.  It's fun to pack them away with the decor each year & get them out only during special times of the year.  

Here's the stack of our patriotic favorites

 John, Paul, George & Ben have been with us the longest & just might be our most favorite of all our picture books.  
{Maybe it's the History major in me but it's my favorite too.  The Revolution was my favorite period of History to study}

This book is so clever & whimsical it really brings history to life & in a way children can read,  enjoy & understand.  It shows how all 4 of these great men {very famous historical figures} grew up to become the men that were key players in the Revolutionary War & the birth of our nation. 
{oh, Thomas Jefferson makes an appearance in the book too!} 

-The illustrations in this book are so delightful!  I won't give it away but there is one part of Paul Revere's story that has all 3 of my girls giggling EVERY TIME we read the book-  
 These next 2 books I got at the Book Fair at my girls' school last year.  I always like to pick out fun picture books that have great visuals to go along with a cute engaging story & both of these books have it.  

 Tells the story of a young girl who decides to run for class president of her school & the lessons she learns about our government & the electoral process along the way. 
Simple & sweet!  
{You go girl!!} 

This book is just adorable!  Such fun pictures & a great little message.  It depicts a class presenting a school play using the alphabet & describes something for each letter that is important & meaningful about our country.  

-One of my favorite pictures from the book- students portraying Mount Rushmore.  How cute is that?-

Hope this gave you something to think about or to sit down & read with your kids.  My girls aren't big book worms but we do enjoying reading special books that celebrate a specific holiday or season. Makes it fun that way.

Happy Reading!-


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