
On a sugar high & we have a winner!!


 What a fabulous filled day I had yesterday.  I'd love to tell you about it & why I forgot to announce the WiNNER of the USA garland yesterday. Oops... I guess I was too busy having a blast! 

I actually had to work yesterday {on my b-day} but that was ok because look who brought me lunch & stopped by to say hello.  I also had a sweet friend come by & bring me a little gift & a eclair.  So thoughtful & sweet, thanks {D}! 
Made the time fly by. 
-Really you SHOULD stop by Whisperwood & Co., so many wonderful things inside not to mention a bunch of H&H items. Then take a stroll up & down the Main Street. It's filled with delightful shops & yummy places to eat.  Perfect way to spend a day with friends. We got sandwiches from Vito's & cookies from the Bun Basket.  Perfect lunch!- 
After work I thought it would be fun to take all the girls with me to get a pedicure. Time to get the toes ready for Summer! It was a nice way to wind down from an already busy day.  An afternoon well spent. Ahhhh! Pure bliss. 

I'm such a lucky girl! 
 Came home to see this darling cake sitting on the island for me {made my Miss Mace} & this adorable metal vintage yellow chair sitting on my front porch from Ty.  Not to mention visits from some of my besties, & all the emails, Facebook messages, texts & Insta love I received from everyone - such a great day!! Thanks so much.  I'm truly blessed to have amazing, thoughtful & sweet family & friends in my life.

- How cute is that chair & that little tiny cake!! Complete with it's own handmade topper of coarse.  It was as good as it looked too.  Thanks, Mace!- 
 This is how my day ended.  Yep, I ate cake at 10:35 at night, curled up with Ty to watch the newest episode of American Pickers.  Great way to end a terrific day with my guy watching my new favorite show! 
{I'll go to the gym in the morning!} 
-Chocolate cake, my FaV!-

Ok, now for the drumroll.... the WiNNER of the festive USA banner is.....

 Texie B!!!  
{Congratulations- friend!}

Getting more & more excited for the 4th of July, such a fun time of year.  Don't forget you can stop by Whisperwood & Co. in Bountiful, Utah for lots of great H&H 4th of July decor. 



  1. LOVE it!!! Looks like you had a fabulous Birthday and certainly deserve it, sweet friend :)

  2. Wahoo!!!!!!!! Just made my day!!!! Gracias!!

  3. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)gmail.com


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}