
Quigley Girls Care Lemonade Stand 2013


  I wanted to share some good news about our little Lemonade Stand we had last week.  As you know we held it to help raise money for Children's' Cancer Research.  So happy to report that the Quigley Girls Care stand met & exceeded our goal that we had set thanks to wonderful friends, neighbors, family & clients who stopped by. Our goal was $150.00 & we raised a whopping total of $223.20!! 
 THaNK YoU so much!! 
-Open for Business.  A perfect Summer day by the way for ice cold Lemonade!!-

Our bright yellow bench has been used for every single lemonade stand the girls have ever held.  {Since 2002} It's kind of a tradition!  My hubby made it years ago & it's the perfect little station.  Funny, to see how big it used to look when the girls when small & now how it looks so tiny compared to my growing girls.  Glad we still put it to use. The yellow stands were built for the 365 Swap last year.  I thought it would be fun to string lots of banners between the top to create the top of the stand.  It looked so charming flapping in the breeze all day. 

Audrey pouring a glass for a cute customer.  
 So grateful for wonderful friends & neighbors who came to support us & give to a great cause. It was nice visiting with friends all afternoon. 
-Sweet Madi enjoying her Lemonade- 
-So many giving people.  Gave so generously to help a wonderful cause-
-Some hungry/thirsty kids coming back for seconds or thirds-

Not only was there Lemonade for sale but also Gingersnaps, Sugar Cookies, Brownie bites & Cupcakes all set up on the dessert table.  Again, you can never have to many garlands & banners out to have a party!  Glad I have a huge stash to choose from. {Ok, I might slightly have a problem!}  

Before the crowd started to come I made my girls stand for a photo with their favorite sweets.  Love the Sugar Cookies/ice cream cone cookies that we made. They came in a variety of flavors: Chocolate, Mint Choc. Chip, Orange/Lime Sherbet, Strawberry & Coconut.  
{108 sugar cookies to be exact & 72 Gingersnaps- whew, alot of baking!} 

Trying to decide what to get.  It was a hard choice, so many yummy things.  Thanks to sweet neighbors who donated to the cause by bringing the brownie bites & cupcakes.  Thanks {C} & {N}! 

Loved seeing whole families walk over to the stand or drive up in cars.  So sweet! 
 Grateful for wonderful family who came to support us too.  Aunt Becca with the Quigley Girls. We had one Aunt who couldn't come but still gave a donation. So sweet! 
 Cute cousins- Davis & Layla 
 Some super cool customers!  Anxiously waiting in line to get their cup of Lemonade & treat.  

Thanks again to everyone who came from around the corner, down the street or through the canyon to support our Lemonade Stand.  Can't wait to do it again next year & give back.  If you would like to host a stand for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation you can get more information by going to 

Have a wonderful day everyone! 


  1. So excited you had so much success for a good cause!!! So inspiring.

    Glad I am not the only one with a Banner obsession. Just can't get enough :)

  2. Always so happy to see children involved in raising money for a good cause! Both sides benefit from it because the ones giving learn a great lesson, it is so important to take the time to teach them those lessons.
    Now, you must tell... where did you get that cute yellow-ish garbage can????
    I love it!


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