
Ice Cold Lemonade for a good cause


 One of my favorite things about Summer is the little corner lemonade stands you see starting to pop up here & there.  Cute kiddos trying to make a few dollars to spend during the summertime.  Who doesn't love Lemonade? 
Well did you know that it's National Lemonade Days coming up.  The 7th, 8th & 9th of June to be exact. 
Last year my girls & I decided to host a Lemonade stand with all the profits going to help fund children's cancer research. 
{Our goal is $150.00}
 We had such a great time last year {read more here & Here}we decided to do it again.  The girls have had a lemonade stand each year for as long as I can remember & we decided that instead of raising the money just for fun we would raise it for some good.  
We were touched by a little girls story in Philadelphia, PA & her fight with cancer, how she tried to fight it & how her family is honoring her & remembering her.  You can read her story & sign up for a lemonade stand of your own here. 

This year we are holding our lemonade stand on my girls {Audrey & Emily's} birthday.  
-Can't believe these 2 will be 11 years old this year- 
They wanted to help another child get to their next birthday & show gratitude for turning 11.  Sadly, an age that some kids might not live to see.  We are so excited to be joining this cause, baking dozens of cookies & stirring lots of lemonade to raise money for 
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation.  

If you're local please stop by our home this 
Friday June 7th from 
1:00-3:00 p.m.  
4011 Lilac Lane in Mt. Green 
for an ice cold glass of lemonade, a sugar cookie, gingersnap, brownie or a cupcake & more importantly give to a great cause. 

Time to get busy baking, gathering all the supplies & wrapping up presents.  Whew... it's going to be a busy couple of days but we're looking forward to it.  I'll report how it goes next week. 


1 comment:

  1. You're such a cute mom! My kids beg me every summer if we can do a lemonade stand. Maybe, just maybe, this year will be the year.:) P.S. love your summer color!!:)


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