
Documenting a fun day


  Love when something spontaneous & fun happens around here that comes out of no where & has the whole family involved & having a good time together.   

Our church doesn't start until 1:00 so we have LoTS of time to fill in the morning before we head out the door.  It all started with Audrey, asking me to play hotel with her.  Then the next thing I knew my little "office station" nook off the kitchen turned into the buzzing front desk of a very busy hotel.  
Let me tell you- there were quite the characters that came to check into the hotel.  
{Lots of accents & funny made up names too!} 

I was first to check in. I used the name Miley Humdinger.  {that had a great Southern accent I might add} 
Can't believe I didn't get a pic of me checking in, I think at that point I thought it was just Audrey & I playing a little game. Little did I know!
{The hubby & I even checked in as newlyweds & was given a trip to Hawaii as a bonus} 

I quickly grabbed my iphone to start taking some pics-
 it was just too funny to pass up. 

-Miss Nichole Hills checking in for the day complete with vintage high heels of coarse!- 
Next came in this eclectic dresser.  
Even Mr. Olly was a bit scared when she came around the corner.  We were all in tears laughing so hard!  
{She had to completely take off her scarf, glasses & wig for him to recognize it was only Mace, too funny!}

-Miss Merissa Berrywinkel checking in for a 5 night stay- 

Looks like this hotel is a pet friendly because Mr. Olly is 
checking in for a stay with Sara Heartburnshdee.
{The names they were coming up with were killing me!} 

 Oh.My.Gosh!  Even though she is the oldest & a teenager she is still a kid at heart & loves to have fun with her sisters.  
{Olly didn't seem to be as scared at this hotel guest, Miss 
Julie Falangie who told us all she was filthy rich $$} 

-Miss Falangie taking a break in the lobby & making friends with Olly!- 
 The longer the hotel was in business the more accessorized the guests were becoming. My closet was getting raided & high heels, jewelry & suitcases were all being put to use. 

 They played this for over an hour.  I loved that as it got closer to the time to get ready for church they got more & more dressed for church. 
{But there were still lots of colorful accessories & high heels being worn} 

-I think Olly was really thinking the whole time, WHY is no one taking me outside on a walk.-
 The Hotel officially got named about an hour into the game, The Grand Q.   At first I thought what a waste of printer paper {to print out each & every guest a bill} but then when I saw them having so much fun I didn't think about the cost of paper but rather the joy seeing them play, have fun & be together was priceless to me. 
{we still have lots of signed room receipts to throw away} 

-Sisters having a fun morning together & lots of silly memories made- 
 All thanks to this girl & her big imagination.  Love her personality & fun spirit.  She is always wanting to play games, do an activity or just goof around.  It was a fun day today.  
{Thanks, Audji!} 

She looks quite official behind the front desk don't you think? 

Thanks for letting me share a peek into my world. Hope you've had a wonderful day with your loved ones today too!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Can I book a room for July 9th. ;) It looks so fun. This game is right up there with The Chosen One. Love those Q girls.


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