
This just in....


Hope I got your attention with this cute pic.  I snapped it on the streets of Salt Lake City late one night after going to a Jazz game with my family.  I wanted to make you aware of a few things going on & coming up for H&H.  

First... of all I wanted you to check out my cute friend, Tausha, on the Craft Channel today.  She is talking about some things that I simply adore- banners!  She is always so much fun to watch & always makes me smile & inspires me along the way too.  

Next... be sure to check back to the blog on Monday because I have an exciting announcement to tell you all about as well as some Pre-Orders for the upcoming Summertime Hive that you can purchase. This is a great way to ensure that you get what you want when you come to The Hive. 
{I'm having so much fun getting ready for this show!
Have you marked your calendars?  I hope so May 16.17. & 18}

Finally... I had a fun time going along with my 2 girls on their school field trip today.  Cute, crazy, full of energy, giggly 5th graders.  {I need an advil!} Seriously, I don't know how teachers do it everyday- they are amazing!! I loved watching my girls interact, laugh & play with their friends all day. I'm so grateful for the good friends that they have. 

  I just had to snap a few pictures on the bus ride home because it made me laugh.  My girls {even though they are twins} are night & day from each other. Emily was busy chatting & quietly playing games with her girlfriends in the middle of the bus 

-Em was sitting in the seat with me.  She has such sweet good friends, so grateful for their kindness to one another.- 
  & Audrey {in the orange} was in the back of the bus with all the boys {& a few girl friends} singing at the top of her lungs, laughing out loud & teasing each other the whole way home.  
  Notice that the picture of her is blurry because they were all moving around & couldn't hold still. 
{hopped up on sugar from the food court I guess}  
It just brought back memories of when I was in school & rode the bus with friends & the games we would play to pass the time.  So fun! 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.  I'll be busy getting ready for Monday {I'm giddy about it!} 


1 comment:

  1. So fun! Enjoy every minute with your kids. Their childhood goes by soooo fast. Thanks for the yummy recipe. Sounds like the perfect thing to eat during conference. The mister and I are serving a 3 year guest services mission on Temple Square so we are working during conference for the next 2 years! (since we've already served 1 year) I'll try it out soon. Mimi


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}