
Sweet Weekend!


  What a wonderful weekend it has been for me.  Sweet to my body & soul!  I love & look forward to Conference Weekend.  It fills my heart, makes me want to try a little harder to be a bit better, inspires me & makes me grateful to be a member of 
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  

I enjoy hearing messages from our church leaders of comfort & hope.  I love being around my family to watch & listen to Conference.  I've already listened to some again this morning & feel ready to take on the day!  

And... one other thing I always look forward to   
 {I know many of you out there are waiting for this recipe to}
 is making a Cinnamon Petal Roll to enjoy on Conference Sunday.  I posted this picture on Instagram yesterday & I think I made every ones mouth water. 
{so fun to make & yummy to eat!} 
I can't believe I haven't shared this recipe on my blog before because I make it so much.  The thing I love most about this is it is meant to be shared & enjoyed by others.  Pieces are easy to tear off & eat & everyone gets a good bite. 

-Sweet Cinnamon Petal Roll- 
Scald:  1   1/2 Cup Milk 
Add: 6 T. Shortening 
         4 T. Sugar 
         1 T. Salt 
Cool & add 5 cups of flour 
Dissolve 2 T. yeast in 1/2 C. warm water & then add to dough mixture
Knead for 5 minutes 
Raise for 1 hour. 
Melt 1 cube of butter & set in a shallow bowl. 
In another bowl combine: 
           1 Cup Sugar 
           2 T. Cinnamon 
           1/2 Cup Brown Sugar 

Here are all the ingredients ... all ready to start rollin'! 
Roll dough into "worms" & dip in butter & then into sugar mixture.  Put them round & round on a large pizza pan or use 2 cake round pans to get 2 smaller rolls. {1 for you & 1 to share!} Raise another 45 minutes & then bake 20 minutes at 350.  Let cool {It will be hard!} Then ice with a powdered sugar glaze. 

-Start tearing it apart piece by piece & EnJoY!- 

Now, here is one of my favorite talks from yesterday.  
-Hope on... Journey on!-

I was also inspired by these images that were popping up on Instagram by my talented & inspiring friend, Rhonna Farrer.  Can you believe these were just doodles?  She is so A.Mazing!
I'm sure her other Conference note images will show up on her blog soon. 
-From another one of my favorite talks from Sister Dalton. It brought me to tears-  
So I gave a stab at it & these are 
my note doodles. Nothing like the incredible doodles of Rhonna but I will say it was fun to take notes this way.  

Hope you all have a wonderful day! 
Feeling so blessed & grateful for so many things today. Grateful it's laundry day & that having laundry means that I'm privileged to have people around me to take care of & fill my home with love & wear the clothes that will take me almost half the day to wash.  Grateful for a washing machine that makes doing this chore a little easier! 



  1. I love you. I am grateful that you say what your heart feels. You help fill my cup often! I will look at my task of laundry with a little less distaste and little more love.

  2. Thanks for the recipie!! When I seen this on facebook my mouth started drooling and I started searching your blog for the recipie but never found it. I'll have to make it this weekend!

  3. I agree with Tausha - great inspiration and motivation from you and from conference! I love it :)

  4. Jenny, I know! I can't believe I've never posted the recipe on here before, I searched for it & couldn't find it either. I guess I've just talked about it & never actually posted the recipe. Probably because I was too busy eating it instead of sharing the recipe. ;)


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