
Weekend Wrap-up!


  Oh, my goodness- where to begin! Still on cloud 9 from a fabulous Hive last week.  It just keeps getting bigger & better with a few lessons learned during the process too. 

Loved seeing so many of you!  Familiar faces, new friends & even meeting a few blog stalkers 
{thanks for being brave & saying hi, we're totally friends now-Hooray!} 

Here are just a few of my favorite pics from the past 3 days. Wish I had more of each of you but I've really enjoyed looking at all the ones that you posted on Instagram #thehiveboutique25.  

-My sweet friend Nicole is the creative genius behind Leila Bird designs.  I love having her be a part of The Hive because she makes the most unique & amazing things. She is a wonderful friend & such a support to me-   

-The best cashiers & candy bagger ever!  My sis Vanessa, Miss Mace & fun friend Terra.  They are so awesome to help me out each Hive. Love you girls!!- 
- A Honeybee sandwich between 2 of the most creative ladies I know!  Such a thrill to have Margie Romeney-Aslett stop by The Hive on Saturday.  I met her 3 years ago at Spark & just fell in love with her enthusiasm & sweetness.  I'm also grateful for the connection I've made with Annie {the maker of all the fabulous wooden signs at The Hive this year} I've shared her blog in the past on here & how I admired her from a far for a looong time before I finally got the courage to leave a comment on her blog one day & we've been friends ever since.  See... a lesson for all you "stalkers" out there- don't be afraid!  Friendships & connections can be made that will bless your life.  - 

-A peek at all the goods in The Hive.  So many fresh, fun & colorful things this time around.  Loved it!!- 
-With my friend, Risa.  You may know her from Studio 5 & her blog Restless Risa & believe me she never does rest.  She is always coming up with something fabulous & creative.  So happy she came to The Hive with her cute kiddos! -

-I always love setting up & getting ready for The Hive.  My island is such a great focal point for the entire event- 

-Thanks to Bake it Pretty my green cupboard had never looked so cute!  I wish I could just shut the doors & keep all those colorful goods inside.  Hope you all got something fabulous from this cupboard to use for your next upcoming party or celebration.  I know I loaded up!-

After each Hive I take a minute to sit down & jot down a few ideas, thoughts & lessons I've learned from this one that I can carry over to the next Hive.  I'm already excited to be thinking about the next one.
{One lesson learned: buy more candy!  Still can't believe that
30 lbs. of candy was gone in the first 2 hours of The Hive. There's alot of sweet tooths out there- but it is SoOoO Good!}

Ok, the WiNNER of the Instagram $25 dollars to spend at the next Hive giveaway is.....


{Congrats... Constance!  There'll be $25 smack-a-roos waiting for you at The next Hive. Probably in the Fall sometime!} 

Thanks so much to everyone that posted pictures of The Hive.  I loved seeing groups of friends, items you bought & pretty things you admired. It was nice to sit down, put my feet up at the end of each day & look at them. Gave me such a "BuZz" of energy & a grateful heart.  So glad you love coming to The Hive & thanks for sharing about it with others.



  1. Congrats Constance!

    MQ- Glad you got a chance to put your feet up after a busy 3 days of the Hive. It was fun to be there and pick up some fun new decor for my house :)

  2. Natalie, you should win the Sportsmanship award! Or the person with the most entry award!! ;) Thanks friend for all your kind words. Love ya!!

  3. Natalie, you should win the Sportsmanship award! Or the person with the most entry award!! ;) Thanks friend for all your kind words. Love ya!!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}