
An after The Hive tradition


  It's become a tradition after The Hive's doors are closed that I take my little family out to dinner.  I do this as a thank you for letting me take over the house & fill it with lots of wonderful things & tons of amazing friends & shoppers.  

Each time it's a bit different. 
We never go to the same place twice 
{ok, maybe we did once to Training Table but that's just because I was craving a #25 & cheese fries- yum!} 
But I always like to celebrate a successful Hive & thank my family with some fun family time & a dinner out.  

This time we stayed close to home & went to Taggarts Grill. Have you ever been?  It's up past Morgan {about 15 min. from my home} & it is tasty!  When you come to the next Hive you MuST go there for lunch, dinner or just to eat one of their desserts. They are all A.MaZ.iNG!! I know there are a few ladies who come up to The Hive {with their husbands who stay in the car while they shop} just to go out to dinner after at Taggarts. Something to think about! 

I like Taggarts because it has a great menu & something for everyone. Real homey food! The huge {& might I add tasty} homemade rosemary roll that Miss Mace got with her bowl of Spicy Black Bean soup.  My hubby got one too with his pot roast- which looked really good by the way! 

This picture just makes me giggle- Em was comparing her Cheeseburger from the kids menu to Audrey's Bacon Cheeseburger from the big menu that she ordered.  hahaha!  Actually Audrey did pretty good & almost ate the entire thing. 

My order: the French Dip with Fries.  I ordered this for a couple of reasons, #1 the french dip comes on their homemade pita bread & it is good & #2 I think their fries are really tasty.  Not soggy, has a nice flavor & alot of crunch to them. Throw in a side of fry sauce & YuM.E!

 But this.... is really what I had been dreaming about for 3 days during The Hive.  The reward of having a piece of Taggarts Carrot Cake on the last night of The Hive.  Come to Momma!!  A pure pound of heaven- so incredibly good!  

I didn't eat the whole thing by myself {although believe me I could have!}  I shared it with my hubby.  & then ate the rest of it for a Sunday afternoon snack the next day.  

If you've never been to Taggarts you should drive up on a Saturday & go to dinner or lunch during the week with your girlfriends {heads up... it's closed on Mondays}  I especially love to go eat there in the Summertime & sit outside.  There is a beautiful view of the mountains & there are gorgeous peacocks {yes, peacocks} that roam the property.  So fun! 



  1. Can you believe we've never eaten there? It's definitely on our to do list for next month! Mimi

  2. Thanks for the awesome write up!
    Berk {owner}

  3. I have never heard of this place! The Hubs and I like to go on rides from time to time so I'll certainly ad this to the "must check out" list. Those desserts are incredible!


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