
Looking around


  Hi everyone.  I'm totally loving 2013!! I'm smitten with my OLW for the year & I can already feel it's power in my life.  I'm discovering things right & left & realizing how much I enjoy certain things.  Wanted to share a few of the things I've DiSCOVERED in the 1st week of 2013 with you. 

I realized that the picture on the H&H FaceBook page ties in perfectly with my word of the year. 
{how convenient, glad I discovered it & made the connection between the 2}
I'm ready to look ahead & discover many new things, have fun all around wherever I go 
{oh, I did last week, I can't wait to share with you.  Ideas for future stuff all over the place- so excited!} 
Discovering new things I want to know about & going places & seeing people. I love being out & about & connecting with people.  Really.. it thrills me to met friends & see inspiring places. Feeds my soul

Another thing that feeds my soul & makes me happy is CoLORS!  

Found this beautiful book in the bakery at the Grand America {a couple of weeks ago} was drawn to it right away for a couple reasons: the colors, photographs & Paris.  I've always had a desire to learn French 
{maybe this will be the year, I already looked up a website to learn how to pronounce the colors in French, so fun!} 
I also have a daughter who DReaMS of going there some day & with her interests & talents I'm sure she will get there.  
{go HERE for a sneak peek inside the book} 
Interesting story about the author of this book & how it came to be.  A Mom living in Paris, taking pictures while out pushing her children in a stroller around the city streets.

Did you know that Emerald is the color of the year? 
{Dorothy & Toto must be so thrilled!}

I will admit I don't use alot of this color but I'm excited to look for ways to bring it into my home decor, wardrobe &  H&H products this year. As you're out & about look for it & I'm sure you will see it starting to pop up everywhere. 

My freshly washed red car is so much happier to drive!  Looking out clean windows puts me in such a better mood. Are you like me?  The "Mom" car gets so neglected & abused from constant running errands, taking kids here & there that it kind of gets forgotten about? 
Glad that my favorite car wash gives discounts on Wednesday {the day I'm out running errands} 
this might have to become a weekly ritual. 

Got this lotion as a Christmas gift from a sweet friend & I love it!  It smells so good. 
It's quickly becoming my new favorite lotion & scent. 

I've also discovered that I accomplish so much more when I have music on.  I guess it just gets my blood flowing & I'm able to clean, cook or whatever so much more quicker & it puts me in a great mood. The tunes I'm listening to right now {thanks to the girls Christmas gifts to one another} is Taylor Swift's new CD, Red.  It's great. 
I haven't busted out the One Direction CD to listen too yet. 

Glad that I'm feeling invigorated so far in 2013, hope you are too. I've enjoyed keeping my eye open to some new things & noticing things that bring me joy & happiness & excitement. 
{such an amazing feeling} 
I look forward to sharing things I've Discovered throughout the year.  Maybe it might even be something new for you too. 

Thanks for all the sweet comments lately. I love hearing from you. Glad this blog is a happy place for you to hang out for a bit- that is my goal!  A positive, uplifting place to be.  
Thanks for stopping by. 


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Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}