
My new toy!


  Life will never be the same.  I finally took the plunge {decided to join the rest of the world} & upgraded to a smart phone. {My 1st one ever!}I am one happy Honeybee!

Oh, the possibilities & excitement! I've had fun playing around with & discovering all my new little buddy {iPhone} has to offer.  This has been a long time coming. 

-My first pic, in the car after purchasing the phone. Already loving the reverse camera so I can actually SEE what I'm taking a picture of instead of guessing.- 
?Honeybee wants to know- what are some of your favorite apps that YOU love that you just can't live without? 
Tell me where to start, this is all so NeW to me. 
  What a fun thing to write about for my 600th post. 
{Wow, I can't believe it!} 
The news of a smart phone for the honeybee. 

Can't wait to hear what all your favorite apps are. You can tell me here or over on the H&H FaceBook page



  1. My most often used apps are: pic frame, Instagram, the weather channel (TN has weird weather), Pinterest, LDS tools, the Mormon channel, gospel library and Pinterest. I can't live without my iPhone.

  2. Yay! glad you got the new phone! you will LOVE it! my most favorite app is Pinterest on my phone! love that one!! have a super day!

  3. My favorites are Instagram, camera + and frametastic and then postal pix to print all my pics:). Then my calculator app and day one a journal app.
    Hope you are loving your new phone!

  4. I can't live without my calendar. It syncs with my iPad and Brooks calendar also. I use the "notes" a lot as well and also grocery iq for my grocery lists. You can just scan your product and it will add it. The ESPN app is good, you can add your favorite teams and get constant updates. Another good one is "around me". You can find restaurants, movies, just about anything. I could go on and on. Enjoy it!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}