
The Polls are OpEN!


  Happy Election Day to all my American friends.  
The polls opened bright & early in our home today to cast votes for our Democracy Dinner 2012. 
{All the results will be announced at 6 tonight}

-The official Dinner Ballot. There was a last minute write-in by 2 voters for Gingersnaps to get on the ticket. So funny!- 
Miss Mace was 1st in the voting booth this morning
{has to get on the bus by 7:00}

-Thanks for voting Mace!- 
 Then there was a bit of a wait in line to vote 
{a couple of anxious voters- this morning!} 

-The price you pay for your voice to be heard, a little bit of a wait- 
-She didn't mind though- 
-Decisions, decisions!- 
 Votes cast 

Stickers on

Some cute happy voters! 

Love to see their excitement & getting a little taste of the voting privilege we have in this amazing country.  Excited to see what WiNS tonight for our dinner & for the Presidency of the United States.  Go VOTE!! 
{I'm headed to the polls right after the gym this morning} 

Be back later to share the winning menu!


1 comment:

  1. this is an adorable idea to get your kids involved! Good job


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