
Dinner... the candidates are

11. 5.12- 

  Good morning everyone!  
I'm feeling very blessed & grateful that I live in the United States of America with the freedoms we enjoy & for the privilege I have to vote tomorrow for our next President.  Such an exciting time for our country every 4 years to participate in national elections.  I'm excited to vote & ready to support who ever wins as our President of the United States for the next 4 years. 
{Voting is the 1st thing on my to-do list tomorrow} 

I wanted to share a fun thing that we have done with our neighbors on election day to help our children get involved a little in the whole election process.  My next door neighbor, Nicole, & I exchange dinners during the week.  She makes dinner on Tuesdays & I do Thursdays. 
{I think my favorite day of the week might just be Tuesdays ;)} 

In 2008 we thought it would be fun to have the kids "nominate" what they would like to have for dinner.  They each got to suggest a main dish, side dish, drink & dessert. 
{Between us we have 7 kids}

We typed up all the "nominations"  on a "ballot" & members of both families got a turn to vote for their favorites on election day morning.  Nicole & I tallied the votes & then divided up what to make or get for dinner.  That night we all got to see what won as we sat down for dinner.  We not only discussed our own little dinner election but the National one as well.  
{I can't remember exactly what dishes won out in 2008 but it was a wonderful dinner & great experience for everyone} 

Here's a sneak peek at the preparations for our dinner elections for 2012. 
-These are just a few of the nominations for the dinner ticket, still waiting on a few to get in before we print up the official ballots-  
Here is what's awaiting the voters tomorrow. Of coarse there has to be stickers for each voter to wear proudly on their shirts after they have turned in their ballot. 
-Made these using some labels & tags I had from October Afternoon, added some glitter star stickers & wa-lah, there you have it!- 
  & newly sharpened pencils {looking very festive & official} for each one of them to cast their votes.  There will also be an official voting station set up in the house tomorrow too. 
-Pencils dressed up with washi tape flags- 
It's a wonderful way to get the children involved & talking about the electoral process & seeing it in action. 
Be back tomorrow to tell you what won our dinner election for 2012 & show you a few other details of the voting process.  



  1. such a cute idea! I think when my girls are a bit older {next election, perhaps!} I will do this. Thanks for the fun idea!


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