
What a weekend!!

  Happy October 1st everyone! 
{My favorite month of the whole entire year!!} 
What are you doing today to celebrate?  Me?? I'm getting out the tubs of Halloween decor to put up- let the season begin!
{I'll be back to show you later}

But first, take a peek into the amazing weekend I had.  
{& Lots of pictures to share!}
It was such a fun adventure start to finish.

Friday started with checking the kids out early from school
{they didn't mind a bit} to go down to our pumpkin patch to harvest my husband's BiG pumpkin.  It's always fun to go down & be with friends & all the TV news cameras there to capture it all on film.  
{It's quite the process getting a 1,000+ lb. pumpkin off the ground}
-My Schmoopie,Ty, Audrey, Emily, Miss Mace & I standing by "The One". More to come about this special girl & the horseshoe that Ty is holding- 
-Strapping the pumpkin in, ready to lift her up- 
-Up, up & away!  That's a lot of pumpkin floating right there-

I always like to make or take some kind of treat to down & share with everyone- this year it was Grandma Hall's Gingersnaps 
{get the recipe here
Once we got the pumpkin loaded we headed down the freeway to my in-laws home.  Talk about a thrill- other cars were waving, taking pictures & video-ing us as we drove the 'kin down the freeway.  
{So glad we didn't cause any accidents- people are crazy!} 

We tucked in the pumpkin for the night & went down to cheer on the Cougars as a family. Glad my girls love to watch football as much as I do!

Saturday Tyler was up bright & early to be on the morning news & to take the pumpkin to the weigh-off.  While he was busy with that Miss Mace & I headed off to the most delightful farm you will ever see to do some shopping!  {Seriously... it was amazing & charming- something I dream of having one day}

This event is put on by a sweet friend who I met awhile ago thanks to a nice email she sent me to help me through a bit of a hard time.  Yeah, that's how I met her can you believe it.  I enjoy getting to met so many amazing & wonderful people through my blog & my business.  Thanks {M}!!  
You're farm & market was just a little cherry on top of an already amazing weekend.  I can't wait to go back next year.  

-The most beautiful day- just look at the sky! Not to mention the charming garlands hung up - 
-Loved this shed/greenhouse that was built out of old window panes- adorable!- 
- I could have looked at this little trinket holder ALL DAY long!  It was filled up of just random this & that's . Plus, I thought it was the coolest thing ever- wish IT would have been for sale!- 

-Oh, I am a sucker for anything vintage & letters of every shape, color & size.  I think I was in front of this display for about 20 minutes just looking & taking it all in.  Eye candy galore!-
-Loved this bakery set up.  All the metal & vintage goodness- the best!-
There was just so much to see & appreciate!  I love walking into a space & being totally inspired & delighted all at once.  
My sisters, Miss Mace & I had a fabulous time at Fallow Field Farm, can't wait to go back next year.  

We then headed to Thanksgiving Point to await the pumpkin weigh-off.  
-BiG pumpkins come in all shapes & sizes!- 
-Mace & Ty standing by "The One"- 
-Part of Team Quigley that came to the weigh-off. THANKS family, friends & neighbors who came down to support Ty. We appreciated it so much!- 
-Audrey & her Grandma Q, Julie- 

-Audrey got her face painted for the occasion- 
My husband's was the last to hit the scales & it was the 
BiG WiNNER for 2012!!  Weighing in at a whopping 
1,454.5 lbs.  
{The 2nd largest pumpkin ever grown in Utah, Wa-hoo!!} 
-Yippee, Hooray & COnFETTi for the biggest pumpkin of 2012 for Utah- 

-One happy Family!- 

-The State Champ, quite an accomplishment.  Love it when I see hard work rewarded.  Such a great day!- 

The best part of the whole day might have been driving home on the freeway & having people honk their horns, give us the thumbs up, unroll their windows to take pictures. The girls loved it!!  They even said, "Can we do this every night, this is awesome!"  Glad we made it home safe & sound, it's not easy driving a 1,454.5 lb. pumpkin around.  As we were driving & people were going crazy passing us Ty said, "See, pumpkins just make people happy!"  Yes, they do!! 
-Us cruising down the freeway, thought the shadow was funny looking! Shows you how big the pumpkin really was in the back of the truck-
Oh, ..... look where the pumpkin ended up on Sunday.  That's right in the church parking lot for the day.   




  1. Love it all! I am so glad that you made it down to Fallow Field. Love Miss Marci!! What a fantastic thing! Love that you shared with us! Off to ya

  2. Congrats on the BIG pumpkin win. That sounds like you guys had a Blast driving (Miss Daisy) around. How fun!!! At least that is my name for the big pumpkin. Did you give her/him a name?

  3. Grow big or go home! Thanks for the fun weekend and inviting us to everything. I wish I could see the Quig's three days in a row all the time. :)

  4. That is AWESOME! Way to go. I totally thought of you at the farm. So fun. I loved the trinket holder too. We need to find 2 one for you and one for me!

  5. Well I am so glad that we got to be part of your weekend!! It was so great to see you and I was so excited to see that monster punkin won!! xo

    such a fun HAPPY post!!
    and holy hanna, thats a BIG punkin'
    awesome---thanks for sharing cute lady friend!

  7. Thanks Friends! Hope you all have a fabulous day. Thanks for stopping by & for saying Hi!


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