
It's just about time.....


 Call up your girlfriends, load up a car & come on over to a charming, unique market of goods that you're sure to love. 
Hope you will join me & some fabulous other vendors
{roll call of vendors to be announced next week} 
at this 3 day event. 

Thursday Oct. 11th {opening night} 5:30-8:00 p.m
Friday Oct. 12th from 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. 
Saturday Oct. 13th from 10:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. 
up in beautiful {oh, my gosh this time of year it's gorgeous!} 
Mountain Green at 4011 Lilac Lane.  
{don't worry- there will be signs pointing the way}

The {Fall} Hive will be full of jewelry, home decor, adorable children's clothing, hair accessories, women's clothing, note cards, banners, frames, sweet treats & much, much MoRE! 
{Just wait til' you see- sneak peeks to start appearing on the blog next week- Not to mention some sort of GiVEAWAY too!}  

Have a wonderful day & I hope to see you soon!


1 comment:

Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}