
Vintage H&H #1


  Since I'm trying to grasp, hold on, enjoy &SaVOR the last days of Summer instead of coming up with new posts to write I thought it would be fun to look back on some of my favorite past posts here on the H&H blog.  So please enjoy, reminisce with me & as always feel free to leave a comment or 2.  
-I'll be back next week with fresh NeW things to share as well as announce the BiG Blog GiVEAWAY!!
{Whoa.. it's a biggie!}

1st up in the look back is a post from Feb. 2010 titled-
{Just click on the link 58 things to read} 

Ahh.... that was fun for me to re-read funny to see how things have changed.  A couple of #'s that need revising. 

#14: Sad to say I don't watch Martha everyday anymore. 
#16: One Word: Zumba!! {I love to dance!} 
#47: No cooking classes, just enjoy teaching my girls. 
#51 Misses Regis but still watches Kelly every morning. 
#53: The Office has been replaced by Modern Family! 
{we just laugh & laugh. Gotta love the Dunphy family}

Do you have anything in common with this Honeybee?  If so I'd love to hear- leave me a comment.  THaNKs!! 


*a great way to stay in the loop of all the giveaway news is to join the H&H blog as a follower or "like" H&H on FaceBook.  


  1. Your house looks so great. I love the little details, the wood block raising up your lamp, love the books on your mantle and everything else.
    We Love Modern Family too!

  2. Thanks Angela! You are always so sweet with your comments. Have a great day.


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}