
Getting Schooled!

8.3.12 - 

Come on inside 4011{our home} to see how I decorated to welcome the coming Fall months ahead. I change up our decor in our home each month, do you?  

As I was posting all these pics I saw some common elements occurring in each photo:  Things that I love to collect kept popping up here & there. 
*See if you can spot what I love to use in my decorating!

One of my favorite things to decorate is our upstairs mantle.  Usually it is chuck full of things from end to end but this month I decided to simplify & I love how it looks!  
{32 books & 2 Owls}
I love the curve of the books & how it plays off the structure & straight lines of the concrete fireplace.
-Sometimes Less is More! Love the simplicity of the mantle- 
I thought of cutting of the covers of the books {the Restoration Hardware, Juxtaposition look} but just couldn't bring myself to do it.  By turning the books around the pages are still on display & the pops of color from the covers 
{which is why I buy some of the books quite honestly} 
still show off a bit- 
-I knew all our vintage books would come in handy in a new, fresh way someday- 
-A view of it all. I like how our family picture really is put on display - 
-Simply stacked my vintage wagon wheels on top of one another & placed them on an old metal sap bucket- 

-Decided to use the candle sticks in a different way. Instead of always up on the mantle I clustered together on the bench that serves as a coffee table- 
When I decorate for the month I do the whole house {top to bottom} not just the main living space. I think it is more charming that way. 
I changed out the pictures of my girls in the window pane that hangs above our computer station/homework nook.  These pictures were taken last year & I just have loved them- so scholastic! 

Even the red {friends & family} door 
got into the school spirit with a book paper wreath placed on it to welcome everyone who enters. 

-Are you catching a theme to this post?-

I even have to show off some Old SCHOOL H&H frames made back way in the day.  {Some of my 1st designs} 

I love them & have them hanging up in our half bathroom. 
-I think the black & white photos in them are perfect!- 
-A b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y & Z.  This is one of my most FaVORITE frame designs EVER! I filled in each letter, by hand with red paint. Whew... that was a process!- 

-Another H&H school inspired frame holds a picture of my grandparents when they were in Elementary School.  Such a treasure to me!- 

Now to the downstairs... I filled up my vintage bulletin board case with school themed this & that's.  Of coarse more pictures of my girls from their fall photo shoot last year.  I love the old tennis racket sitting up on top.  I scored that last year at the 365 Swap. 

Another of my favorite spaces to decorate is our downstairs antique mustard mantle.  Old record albums {they are so charming!} vintage flashcards & used school books put together makes for a colorful, creative mantle top for sure! 

-Love mixing in a bench & stacking stuff on top of it for some height. The framed chalkboard is another one of my treasured finds from years ago - 
-I just love the titles of these old school books. The pictures inside are just as charming!- 

-Wa-HoO!  Along with school comes Football Season & we love BYU football around here.  Found this old block Y at a market this spring & when I saw the color I just KNEW it had to come home with me to put up for Fall & Football season.  By the way that's my Dad #61 when he played at BYU. Goooo Cougars!!
That brings me to my final space to adorn- the staircase.  This little thin plank is the best place to stack & decorate.  It's always so cheerful & FuN!  Even though it's little it can be packed full of fantastic stuff. 
- I got this darling wood pencil {actually made out of an old circus tent stake} last year. I've been dying to put it up for the school year. I knew it would fit perfectly on the ledge & it does.  I found the old chalkboard at a store in SLC earlier this year too.  Paired with another old record album, vintage state puzzle & a skinny red wooden bench it all looks great together. 
-An apple a day.... love this picture of my girls with an apple on top!  Why don't we make things like they used to?  Love the colors & design of this vintage flash card box- 

?Honeybee wants to know- Did you spot some things that I love to collect & decorate with? If so what? 
Hope you have enjoyed taking a peek inside my home.
Maybe it has inspired you to get schooled & ready for the month ahead.  

-if you want to see more of my home you can watch right HERE



  1. Love all the different fun school items you put out on the shelves and mantles. Love the Restoration book style too!!

  2. Holy cow, I love everything minus the Y! Hehe. You just gave me so much inspiration to decorate for back to school. Thanks for sharing.
    Your #1 (stalker) fan!

  3. I'm going to have to take a picture of where I have all my old books displayed.. You might be surprised :)

  4. Love the way you displayed your books on your upstairs mantel! My favorite frame was your H&H ruler frame. Adorable as always. And one more item I'm in love with is your metal lamp. Where did you get that from?

  5. E, I would love to see your book collection & how you use it. Angela, the metal skeleton lamp I made. It was just a basic fabric covered shade, didn't love the fabric anymore, so I just cute, ripped & tore it off. Thanks! I love the way it looks too- super easy to do. Thanks for the comments :)

  6. Gasp!! My word you are creative!! I yawn even when I think about dusting and you have your house decked out in school decor! I am sure you were an A student! Happy Summer!

  7. Haha, thanks Heather. You made me smile. I'm sure if I looked closer there would be a lot of dust still left to dust ;)

  8. Your decorating is amazing!!! I love love LOVE the idea of decorating Back to School style. IT made me want to go back to school. :)

  9. Glad to inspire you Nat. Happy Back to School decorating!! :)


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