
Off to see the Wizard!


  My girls & I {along with my Mom, sisters & sis-in-law} are headed to the Emerald City tonight to see WiCKeD!!  

-My girls in 2009 the last time Wicked rolled into town.  They look so little!- 
 I have a little witch collector/Halloween lover in my house.  Emily has ALWAYS loved witches. I think that has been her costume 4 out of the 9 Halloweens. She even bought her own real, official, pointy black witch shoes with her own $$. She got them from here & they are adorable!  
{P.s. they also come in women's sizes too!} 
If you have a little witchie in your home they are a must to have around for dress up days & Halloween. 

-Em with her Witchie doll that was made by my talented friend, Diane-  

So of coarse she LoVES the story of Elphaba & Glinda!  So excited to see Elphaba Devy Gravity once again tonight. Oh, it's soooo amazing! Excited for my Mom, Sisters & Sis-in-Law to see it for the 1st time tonight.  

?Honeybee wants to know- Have you seen Wicked?  If so what is your favorite part/song?  
{p.s. leave a comment & be entered in the latest giveaway!} 

Look at this darling photo I saw on Pinterest. Just had to pin it onto one of my boards- hmmm... maybe a future pic for Em & her witchie shoes & brooms. 

Have a wickedly- wonderful weekend everyone!  
{wow, that was a tongue twister!} 



  1. I got the opportunity to watch this in New York and won front row seats!! It was amazing!!! Not sure what my favorite part was. I loved it all!


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