
Happy Crafting!!


  Back to announce the WiNNeR of the amazing paper/stickers pack that I just simply adore! 

-All the names in the pot. By the way something else I simply adore is Sunflowers!!  I love picking them out of our yard & bringing them indoors- 
Someone is going to be very happy & that LuCKy person is..... 
YiPPee- what ya going to make?  
{have fun with all this fabulous stuff!} 

Thanks to everyone who has played along all month with the weekly giveaways.  I've had a blast putting together things to give away to some lucky H&H followers & FB likers.  

But...... Just you wait!
{Oh, my goodness do I have an announcement for YoU!} 
I am approaching some BiG #'s around here & I want to celebrate BiG time with me as a THaNK YoU to all of you out there.  

The H&H blog is quickly approaching it's 
500th post 
{I can't believe it!} 
& also going to have it's 100,000 blog view- 
very, very soon!  
{That's a reason to celebrate right?}

I think a humongous GiVEAWAY is in order when those #'s get reached.  So in honor of the BiG #'s I'll be back for the announcement of what is going to be given away- SooN!  
{Trust me- you'll want to get in on this one for SURE!} 

Oh, I'm giddy just thinking about it- you're going to LoVE it!! 


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Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}