
My Monday... Piles & Peonies

  Happy Monday everyone, I'm starting right off with a question.... 

??Honeybee wants to know 
{This means you should leave a comment & tell me, hint, hint!} 
What do you do on Mondays'? Do you have a set routine?  Just curious, I'm sure you are up to something.  
{I always do the same thing... I'll explain in a bit} 

This morning I decided to go out & pick some of the gorgeous blooms on my peonie bushes. They just barely opened yesterday & I wanted to bring them inside. Wish they kept blooming longer into the Summer. They are some of my favorites but they are always over way to soon. 

-So sweet & smells so good on my bedside table- 
Now back to my earlier question... 

My Mondays are always filed with mounds, heaps & piles of laundry. WOW, Summer really does bring out a lot of laundry. I'll be glad when swim lessons are over this week- those swim towels take up a lot of room.
I thought that having the sweet smelling blooms close by would make the laundry load a little lighter today & the time would just fly by, we'll see.  
{wish me luck!} 

Happy week everyone!  I've got another busy, crazy week ahead {it's always something, right?}Gourmet Club tomorrow, so looking forward to that & then the 365 Swap on Thursday evening- can't wait! 

*don't forget to tell me how you're spending your Monday



  1. I'm with ya sista! Mondays are laundry days minus the shower ;)! The household garbage is always collected on Mondays and put on the curb too! Happy Laundry!

  2. I LOVE Monday's! They are my favorite day of the week. I love the fresh beginning! I usually clean my entire house and do tons of laundry. I love getting everything all done in anticipation for the week ahead!

  3. Thanks Candice & Amberlee! I really like Mondays too. Maybe I should add clean the whole house to my list too ;) Way to go. Thanks so much for telling me about your days.

  4. Since I work outside the home and Monday is my day off. I am cramming everything into this one day. Doctors appointments, shopping , laundry and cleaning. But yesterday I washed a few loads and hit the Antiques stores for a little R&R.

  5. I taught my kids to run the washer at age 8. Cold water and measure the detergent. I didnt care if they folded it, just so long as they didnt stink.
    Aunt Barb

  6. Monday is laundry day around our house too. We had heaps of laundry because the kids seemed to run in the sprinklers any time they came on last week. This Monday I also mowed the lawn (a little extra fathers day chores he does not do on his special weekend), at least mowing helped take the edge off my white legs.


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