
A colorful day!


  Oh, my goodness.  Spent the afternoon in just about the most charming {& unique} back yard you have ever seen setting up for the 365 Swap with my dear friends, Nicole, Sheryl, Becky & Haley.  
Seriously, these women constantly amaze me with all their creativity!!  They are all so talented, they are always inspiring & surprising me with their ideas.  

This is just a small sneak peek at one of my favorite decor pieces from this years Swap.  Can't wait to tell you what it actually is & show more pictures after it's over & the last item has been Swapped tomorrow night. 

-Hmmm... what is it?  Any guesses? - 
It was a joy to spend a Summer afternoon with my friends, pick fresh, ripe cherries off of Haley's tree as a snack, plus I got a pretty nice farmer's tan too ;) Not a bad day.  


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