


  I'm kind of at a loss for words lately... I think doing 27 posts in March took it all out of me for a bit. 
{Don't worry I'm sure I'll think of something to say before long} 

In the mean time I'll share some creative writing that I found on my driveway yesterday thanks to M, A&E.  I loved that they shared some of their favorite quotes.  I enjoyed reading them on my way out one night to walk Mr. Olly, they made me stop & think for a bit & smile.  

Definitely something to think about.

- This is one of my favorite quotes, guess it's rubbed off on my girls too- 

-Love this one too!- 

-This one was written by the dog lover in the family- 

-The artists leaving their mark- 
-Thanks girls!  Love that they each wrote their own initial their own special way  & then signed their name right by it.  I love that they each have their own distinct personality & flair- it makes life interesting for sure!- 
 Positive pavement for sure at my house- bring on summer! 

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