
Being tempted!


  I woke up this morning & look what is staring at me!  Yes, lots, & LOTS of adorable sugar cookies. 
{I'm trying so hard to resist just eating one right now! 
Never mind that I ate 3 yesterday ;)}  

So cute!  
Thanks to my girls for decorating all of them yesterday 
{& some help from their friend, A} 

We love making sugar cookies around here & even have a drawer in our kitchen devoted solely to keeping all the cookie cutters in & another drawer for all our variety of sprinkles- 
that's says a lot! 

-Have a wonderful Easter Weekend everyone- 


1 comment:

  1. What amazing cookie decorators you have! So cute. I also just browsed back and saw your pantry! Wow that's amazing. I will try not to covet :)


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