
Week wrap-up


  Whew... it's been a fabulous crazy busy week.  
But all so worth it!  
I loved getting to be a part of showing the teacher's at my daughter's Middle School just how important, amazing & special that they are. Teachers are incredible people!!  
I have definitely been In- N-Out of the Middle School plenty of times this week but it's been a privilege to serve, interact & mingle with the faculty & staff. 

I know I told you a little about 
Teacher Appreciation Week 
already but today this was what was for lunch..... 

Yes, that's right In -N- Out Burgers & fries for lunch.   
{How cool is that!}  
All the teachers loved it & my friend & commented on how quiet it was during lunch hours today. We think it's because they were all so happy chowing down on the great food.  

-The fries were so good & dipped in fry sauce, even better!- 

It's been so fun to serve them this whole week- it started out serving them & their families drinks & popcorn at Movie night Monday, Breakfast on Tues, Candy & Snacks galore on Wednesday, Ice cream Sundaes on Thursday & then to give them lunch today was a BLaST!  
-We set out the Cheeseburgers all in a row in the infamous antique chicken feeder {Remember this?}  I lined it with ripped out book pages & parchment paper.  Don't you just want one of these?  Well don't worry I'm going to make some & sell them at my next H&H Show- Yippee!! -
{Who wants to place their order now? ;)}

We couldn't have done all that we did without this little girls help- she was always there each day helping her Mom, talking to the teachers & just smiling away.  

-Thanks Miss Maggie!- 

Yes, I even got to wear a hat too {along with my friend}  as I served the faculty lunch.  One of the highlights of the day. 
{I really felt official!} 



  1. Sign me up for a chicken feeder! Glad you guys had such fun things planned for the teachers!

  2. I know, I'm excited to make them.


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