


  One of the reasons I enjoy having this blog is the opportunity to share so many different things with you.
{I hope you enjoy it too} 
 Sometimes it might not be anything big or too worthwhile or it might be something that I've created, been inspired by, what I am up to for the day, my family life & my business. 

-A pic from my Cultivate planning luncheon yesterday. Oh..... so many fabulous ideas were discussed & shared- LoVE it!  Can't wait for the Swap- it's going to be a party.  Thanks Sheryl for the scrumptious coconut cupcake- 

So it got me thinking that I can't be the only one with a business or a blog to share.  I know many of you but would LOVE to follow  your blogs & see what you are up too + I would love to share & hightight it with all of my H&H followers & likers on FaceBook too.  
{Making NeW connections are really the best thing ever!} 

So hop on over to the H&H FaceBook page & share a link to your blog, website or business. I will be happy to take a peek & leave a comment or 2. 
{trust me, I'm not afraid ;) }
Plus, I'd be happy to like your business, if you tell me about it, on FaceBook {if you have a page}
**Just because this post is a couple of days old you can STiLL go over & share a link to your blog or business- don't be shy.  THaNKS to everyone who has shared, so fun!**

I'm sure you all have something wonderful to share & something that will teach, inspire or encourage me. 
-I can't wait to see all the new places I'll get to go- 

As always thanks for always stopping by. 
I'm off to straighten, clean out & organize my craft room today so I can have a clean slate to start creating some things for my next H&H show
{yep, you heard it here first!  Coming soon in June}
-More info. to come- 



  1. I love the idea of having planning lunches. I really need to begin this in my life!

  2. Yes, you should Katrine. We have a set day & time each month & it works out great. Planning ahead & just saving the date is the way to go :)

  3. Melissa, This is such a fun idea. It's a great way to connect to other women who simply love to create in so many different form!
    Thanks for stopping by. I keep wanting to meet you I would love to come to a swap!

  4. I have been anxiously awaiting details about your swap ever since I found out about it, I think it sounds like so much fun!

  5. Thanks for your comments girls. Yes, I will keep you posted on how you can come to the 365 Swap. Details coming next week!!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}