
Brave Souls


  Just want to stop in to say Hi &  THaNKS to all of the brave souls who "shared" last week on the Hollyhocks & Honeybees Facebook page for my 1st SHaRE day.  It was a delight to look at & read your blog posts.  I learned something from each one of them. 
-So glad they shared-   
-An H&H frame that I used for Teacher Appreciation Week with a simple message hidden among the ABC's- 
Here's a few highlights of what I learned from each blog that I wanted to share w/ you all: 

-how cute & inquisitive an 8 year old can be {} 
- I wish I would have checked out this blog for a chance to run w/ this cute blogger & get splattered with paint  
{P.s. I don't even run but this race looked fun enough to take up running... maybe next year Staci P. {}      
 - I can attempt to dye my own pants into colorful fashionable ones {} 
- How easy it is to update & turn your entry way into something cute & sassy {}
- Who knew plain old paint sticks could make so many things? {}
- Darling Chevron dresses in so many colors 
- The whole creative process from start to finish.  Loved the sketch drawings made into reality, so cute! {} 
- always something positive & uplifting to read about on this blog. A girl after my own heart- enjoy some good music today, love it! {}  

Yeah- so many new wonderful connections made this weekend.  Thanks again for sharing.  You guys are all fantastic!  We'll have to do another H&H FB share again soon & see if I hear from more of you out there.  
{If you really want to share you don't have to wait until it's an "official" share day just hop on over to the H&H FB page & leave a link.} 

Here's to a fabulous week ahead- savor & enjoy everyone! 

1 comment:

  1. Melissa,
    You need to run Color Me Rad. It was so fun and you could even bring your girls. I wish I would have brought mine. Most people walked/run it. It was a blast. Thanks for the feature. Go UTES!!!


Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}