
Next up... some Sassy Style to The Hive


  Oh, My gosh- only 2 more days until The Hive.  
{Very excited & still have things to cross of the to-do list!}  Every time I host The Hive I think to myself, next time I'm going to have everything done a week before so I'm completely ready. Yeah, right!  I guess making dinners, cleaning the house, being a Mom, practicing piano, running kids here & there & trying to put on a show just always adds up & there isn't enough time in the day.  Oh, well maybe next time ;) 

I'm happy to introduce a new vendor to The Hive with you today.  Met the creative & spunky Tausha! 

Hey Hollyhocks & Honeybee’s readers! I am so excited to be visiting Melissa today. I am even more excited to be a part of the Springtime Hive! I’m Tausha

and I blog over at Sassy Style Redesign.

I’m a mom, wife, re-decorator & spray painting thriftress! I love my glue gun, Rustoleum heirloom white spray paint, decorating magazines and shopping. I am a re-decorator by trade. There are few things that I love more than helping people create a home that is cozy, warm and inviting. I love what I do and I LOVE to create! Check out some my fun, cheap & crazy tips courtesy of Studio 5.

I have been creating all sizes and shapes of Chalkboards for the Hive. I know what you are thinking, “how is a chalkboard going to make my home feel cozy?” Trust me, it will. I will even prove it to you….

This is one of my new additions to my home & I love it!
(I also love the owl that my sweetie gave me for valentines day. I helped him pick it out..just a little.)

This chalkboard is the one that started it all. I love words and I love how cozy and completely at home this vignette looks.

I love words and I believe that words are very powerful. I had a friend that would recite this stupid quote to me in 7th grade. I am ashamed to say that I thought that it was cool to say a couple of lame “swear” words. (I am totally ashamed that I am telling you this. At least you know I am honest…right?)
Swearing is a feeble attempt of a simple mind to express itself forcibly.
These words will be stuck in my head for the rest of my life…whether I like it or not. I have a daughter who will be the same age that I was when I first hear these words. Yes, I totally feel old, but I also feel hopeful. I want her to remember simple quotes and words and the power behind them.
I am getting a little philosophical here. But, you know exactly what I am saying…right?
I love this simple grouping in a kitchen using a chalkboard.

Simple, darling and totally do-able! My kind of craft!
Maybe you are not into the “cutesy” look, but prefer something a little bit more classic. Well, chalkboards are perfect in both settings.

Chalkboards are a trend in decorating that is not going away. Maybe you have always wanted one, but could never find the right size or shape. Or, maybe you just haven’t had the time to make one of your own.

I am here to help you. I will have chalkboards of all shapes and sizes at the Hive.
Remember….you can totally brainwash your children using chalkboards. Words are powerful…
For example:
“You love to do the dishes & you never complain when asked.”
“You never hit your sister, even if she looks at you, or breathes in your air.”
“Saturday is a special day, it’s the day that we clean, and don’t fight so mom doesn’t have to lift a finger and she can catch up on the DVR in her pajamas.”

See you at the Hive! I can’t wait to meet you!

So cute!  I can't wait to get my hands on a chalkboard.  Thanks T & believe me once you met Tausha you have made a new friend for sure. She is awesome!  

-Don't forget to "BuZz" about The Hive- either by leaving a comment here, posting on FB or liking the H&H FaceBook page.  Lots of ways to enter to WiN $25.00! 
-You have until tomorrow night to enter-



  1. I agree. Chalkboards will never go out of style. I remember an awesome old chalkboard in my grandparents home when I was little. My grandma used it all the time.

  2. Cute Tausha! I could use a new chalkboard in my house~

  3. I think its so great that you have so many fresh new faces coming to the Hive this time around. It is great to see the fun new products! Can't wait!

  4. I know! I'm so excited that people are driving as far away as Price to come! ;)

  5. Cute chalkboards, can't wait to see all the fun sizes.


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