
The Hive is "BuZz"ing!


  It's beginning to look like there is going to be something special going on here this week- The Hive.
{This Thursday, Friday & Saturday} 

Thanks to my sisters {Amanda, Becca & Vanessa} for coming to help me with some decorations for The Hive. Not to mention bagging up candy with Miss Mace, making streamers & some little this & that's.  They helped me a bunch- thanks guys!!

Hope you like the vendor line-up so far. I'll be back soon to introduce you to a few more & of coarse a sneak peek at the H&H goods that will be for SaLE.  I'm off to finish a few projects today & then I'll be all ready for Thursday, Friday & Saturday. 

**Are you coming?  {I hope so!}  Thanks for all the "BuZz"-ing that's been going on here, on Facebook & your blogs. 
I love it- thanks so much! 
Someone is going to be happy with $25.00 to spend.  
{you have until Wends. night to enter- good luck!} 


1 comment:

Do you know that one of my favorite things is getting mail? Well... comments are just like getting a letter in the mailbox. They both make me smile! I enjoy reading the comments left on my blog. I appreciate you saying hi, thanks for stopping by. {M}