
Savoring the Sweet things!


  Oh, I love this time of year when College Basketball is in full swing & I get to share some wonderful moments with 
my 3 girls.  
{some might call it brainwashing but I disagree ;)} 

-Miss Mace, Audji & I- SUPER excited after the game!- 
From a young age they have watched, cheered & dressed up to watch Duke Basketball games with me. Have I told you that I have a Devil-ish side to me?  Well I DO!!  I LOVE Duke Basketball & that has rubbed off on my girls.  
The other night Duke was playing No. Carolina 
{only the biggest, best & greatest sports rivalry ever.... maybe it was even on the TV at your house too}  

Anyway we get ready to watch the game big time around here.  We either make Devils Food Cake or Devils Delight Chili & there is always Duke t-shirts & blue & white pom-poms involved.  
The girls & I love it. 
This year was especially sweet because A&E got dressed up in the matching Duke shirts, made posters & even came up with a halftime routine to a song from our Duke pep band CD. 
{yes, we have the official pep band CD- it's awesome!} 

-A&E made a D-fence & Go DUKE sign- what great kids! We'll keep the posters around to use for the rest of the season - 
Their routine was so cute!  I absolutely loved watching them dance & cheer during the game.  My heart took a picture & I always want to remember spending these times with my girls. Who knew that just gathering around & watching a basketball game being played     2,000+ miles away would bring us so much joy.  

Well it did & especially in part to one last second miracle shot by #0 Austin Rivers !!  

Oh, I could watch it over & over all day long- what a sweet win!   The joy it brings me!  
We were screaming, yelling & jumping around our basement when it went in.  All of us had a hard time getting to sleep & woke up with sore throats the next day but it was totally worth it. 

I've shared this recipe before but if you want to make your own amazing Devils Food Cake you can. I got the recipe for the cake from the Foster's Market Cookbook- & it is de-lish!  Foster's Market is a great little eatery right down the road from Duke University in Durham, No. Carolina.  Whenever we go we just have to eat there- so fresh & yummy! 

I also went to Gourmet Club last night & was introduced to a wonderful new sweet treat that I loved & am excited to make- 
a Crepe Cake. A tower of 20 crepes & custard- oh, my goodness it was Divine!  Can't wait to share the recipe & pictures of the night with you soon over on the 

Hope you have had some "Sweet" moments that you are 
savoring & loving lately. 
?Honeybee wants to know- Are there any residents of No. Carolina out there?  If so I would love to hear from you. Are you cheer for the light blue or royal blue & have you ever eaten at Foster's?

-GO DUKE!!- 


1 comment:

  1. I never get tired of watching that shot. What an amazing ending. Go DUKE!!


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